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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2002
Jack London (1915) said it best!

"After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which he made a SCAB. A SCAB is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles. When a SCAB comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out. No man has a right to SCAB as long as there is a pool of water deep enough to drown his body in or a rope long enough to hang his carcass with. Judas Iscariot was a gentleman compared with a SCAB. For betraying his Master, he had character enough to hang himself. A SCAB HASN'T! Esau sold his birthright for a mess ofpottage. Judas Iscariot sold his savior for thirty pieces od silver. Benedict Aronld sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British Army. The modern strike breaker sells his birthright, his country, his wife, his children, and his fellow-men for an unfulfilled promise from his employer, trust, or corporation". I can't think of anything worse than having your FAMILY name printed in a book with an opening statement like that. MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE!

However this companies foundation was formed to break a union and to farm out jobs to pilots who would be willing to fly for less money and benefits. It's principals go against everything our fathers and their fathers have work for. In any industry not just ours.

I think you would be better served in the long run sitting on the side lines until the industry comes around.

If it looks like a fish and it smells like a fish, it's a fish.
I understand where you're coming from, and agree with your ideology, however the term scab only applies to indivoduals who cross a picket line while workers are on strike. I've seen this term used incorrectly several times on this message board, especially in reference to the Freedom pilots. There was also an arrogant fellow who referred to the TWA pilots that were integrated into the AA list as "TWAbs". It's not a term that should be used flippantly. If the Mesa pilots were walking the picket line, and Freedom Air pilots were given the option to fly Mesa aircraft, and Mesa routes, then they could be considered scabs. However for now, we can just view them as short-minded individuals who have no respect for professional aviation.

And, this may be news to a lot of people, but the term 'scab' did not originate in the aviation industry! adios.

scab n.
-A crust discharged from and covering a healing wound.
-An employee who works while others are on strike; a strikebreaker.
-A person hired to replace a striking worker.
SkySpray said:
I understand where you're coming from, and agree with your ideology, however the term scab only applies to indivoduals who cross a picket line while workers are on strike. I've seen this term used incorrectly several times on this message board, especially in reference to the Freedom pilots. There was also an arrogant fellow who referred to the TWA pilots that were integrated into the AA list as "TWAbs". It's not a term that should be used flippantly. If the Mesa pilots were walking the picket line, and Freedom Air pilots were given the option to fly Mesa aircraft, and Mesa routes, then they could be considered scabs. However for now, we can just view them as short-minded individuals who have no respect for professional aviation.

And, this may be news to a lot of people, but the term 'scab' did not originate in the aviation industry! adios.

scab n.
-A crust discharged from and covering a healing wound.
-An employee who works while others are on strike; a strikebreaker.
-A person hired to replace a striking worker.

Skyspray is correct on all counts. I'd never work for a company like Freedom either, but I'd rather see the blame and the consequences put right where it belongs;On management. Instead of beating up on some pilots that are guilty of some bad career judgement (assuming they knew all the politics before accepting the job) why not take it up with the folks that created Freedom? Save the term "Scab" for the real picket crossers!Ziggy1
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Those "poor" pilots that made a bad career descision are just as guilty as management. Those SOB knew what they where doing and the consequensces to follow. I carry a SCAB list plus a Freedom list.

For you folks stuck on terminology I really don't give a danm what you call them. They will always be a no good SOB to me.

As for Mesa I hope you stick everyone of those freedom guys right on the bottom of the list where they belong.
to farm out jobs to pilots who would be willing to fly for less money and benefits. It's principals go against everything our fathers and their fathers have work for.

Now isn't this Ironic. Apparently it's my job here in cyberspace to respectfully remind everybody that the above quote is exactly what Mesa et.al have been doing to the industry for decades. When they take jobs and work for government cheese level pay they say it's okay because those are the economic realities of the industry and the major pilots just don't get it. This is because the major pilots are all greedy overpaid whiners of course. When it's them on the receiving end, out comes this ridiculously mis-used quote from 1915. Personally, I'm glad to see Mesa getting a taste of when they've had no problem giving for so long. Good Luck with that steller TA. My prediction is it Passes by at least 85%. Mesa has a history of doing whatever they can to ratchet down career expectations for the entire industry. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you vote for this TA then you most certainly deserve this TA
I agree with what your saying. I'm not sure what Mesa current pratices are, but I'm sure thier company wasn't founded on the same pratice of Freedom Air. I believe Orstien has spoken out about his acts to change the industry and the current union situation based on what he has with Mesa.

The pilot group in our company has worked hard for the current contract we enjoy. It's not perfect, however it is what it is, and Iwould like to see things go forward not backwards.

When your a newby to the industry you will take what ever job you can get, whether its to build time or what ever reason may be. I've been around long enough to know that you don't want your name black balled, because that stays with you forever!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention its just wrong to scab. I know a few of them and they are stuck in the seat they are in, and they are afraid to move. Not the way one should want to spend there career.

Simon Says said:
Those "poor" pilots that made a bad career descision are just as guilty as management. Those SOB knew what they where doing and the consequensces to follow. I carry a SCAB list plus a Freedom list.

For you folks stuck on terminology I really don't give a danm what you call them. They will always be a no good SOB to me.

As for Mesa I hope you stick everyone of those freedom guys right on the bottom of the list where they belong.

I'll go along with "no good SOB" as a good term for the Freedom guys. They aren't "Scabs" though.

obviously Simon Says,

you dont know what youre doing.

on another thread i stated it simply

imagine yourself with no job and having to pay for everything still...such as....apartment, or family, or kids, or the darned college loan! or all 4 at once! youve got to work.

bneing furloughed or for some other reason on the street no tflying is a slow death i know too well.

are you telling me that someone that took the job at freedom is an SOB for wanting to feed his family?

are you telling me he's an SOB for trying to stay in aviation? for staying in the air? no tgiving up on flying? doing what he loves for a living and thats flying? FOR TRYING TO FEED HIS FAMILY AND PAY OFF DEBTS ????

comming down to it, selling off everything i own and living in a box instead of working just cause the company's intent is union-questionable? F that man. working as a pilot. thats what its about. being the air and getting paid for it. thats what its about. LIVING AND NOT FILLING FOR PERSONAL BANKRUPTSY !....thats what its about

(and spending any days off learning how to spell on this message board correctly as well, thats what its about )

if youre being a union menber prevents you from working for someone like that cause theyre non union? thats your problem.

youre problem is with management. he did not take the job saying under his breath "now for the screwing of the mesa pilots". NO, he did not!

get a grip on reality and that is this.....your problem is with freedom and mesa management. their pilots arent to blame.....unless they left mesa for freedom, then thats different.

keep you head up in the situation, but keeping lists of people that work for mesa? 150%% unprofessional. suck it up.

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