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Forbes notable absence - Flight Options

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There is no relationship between flight options and sojourn or nextant other than Ricci has his fingers in them all. Flops is totally separate but the fact Ricci is involved means he will take advantage of flops to feed the others and scope will not have an effect. Some lame azz excuse about poor interiors on Phenoms to cancel deliveries only to sell those delivery positions to Sojourn is the reality of the situation which could conceivably poise Sojourn to start a fractional with the gamechanging aircraft and the midsize embraer aircraft in the future. Oh...lets not forget the nextant BJ to join that venture. Suddenly some key flight operations personel quit options and contracts with the few fractional owners left expire will leave no need for Flops. Doors close and workforce available with assets at bargain prices. But I would not expect the hardcore 1108 supporters would consider working for Ricci now would they?
There is no relationship between flight options and sojourn or nextant other than Ricci has his fingers in them all. Flops is totally separate but the fact Ricci is involved means he will take advantage of flops to feed the others and scope will not have an effect. Some lame azz excuse about poor interiors on Phenoms to cancel deliveries only to sell those delivery positions to Sojourn is the reality of the situation which could conceivably poise Sojourn to start a fractional with the gamechanging aircraft and the midsize embraer aircraft in the future. Oh...lets not forget the nextant BJ to join that venture. Suddenly some key flight operations personel quit options and contracts with the few fractional owners left expire will leave no need for Flops. Doors close and workforce available with assets at bargain prices. But I would not expect the hardcore 1108 supporters would consider working for Ricci now would they?

All nextant employess are on Flops payroll..And probably Sojourns also
. Some lame azz excuse about poor interiors on Phenoms to cancel deliveries only to sell those delivery positions

I have to disagree with you on that part. Having gotten a look at the interior of the Phenom 300 that was delivered, I am glad that FLOPS delayed the delivery of the aircraft until the interior was corrected. I personally thought it looked like they were the same seats that are in the regional jets and are as comfortable as the RJ seats.
I have to disagree with you on that part. Having gotten a look at the interior of the Phenom 300 that was delivered, I am glad that FLOPS delayed the delivery of the aircraft until the interior was corrected. I personally thought it looked like they were the same seats that are in the regional jets and are as comfortable as the RJ seats.

Someones been drinking the Koolaide again
Some lame azz excuse about poor interiors on Phenoms to cancel deliveries only to sell those delivery positions to Sojourn is the reality of the situation which could conceivably poise Sojourn to start a fractional with the gamechanging aircraft and the midsize embraer aircraft in the future.

Nice conspiracy theory freeloader. Except you forgot one thing.

From section one, "Scope and Recognition" of our contract:

1.4 Parallel Operations
1.4(a) The Company shall not establish a new air carrier to do fractional, JetPASS card holder or other flying of the type covered by this Agreement, unless such flying operations are flown by Pilots on the Flight Options Pilot Seniority List in accordance with this Agreement.

The union hired the best scope attorney in the business to negotiate our scope article, which is just one of the contractual protections you currently enjoy, which you got for free.

Not that I particularly care about your motivation, but it seems to me that you are trying desperately to rationalize your freeloading behavior.
Phenoms are cancelled..Seems Ricci has other plans..Wouldnt doubt if you see Flops closing in a few months and new non union companies emerging

Hi there Skipper. What's the problem, no one would respond to you on the IBT message board (because they think you are a scary chicken little) so you brought your apocalyptic rantings over here?

Look man, I know it sucks to be furloughed and have all that time on your hands, but do us all a favor and go back on your meds. I mean, its really getting embarrassing for you. I'd hate to see what was an honorable life's work reduced to this. Think about how you're going to face the rest of us when you come back.
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Hi there Skipper. What's the problem, no one would respond to you on the IBT message board (because they think you are a scary chicken little) so you brought your apocalyptic rantings over here?

Look man, I know it sucks to be furloughed and have all that time on your hands, but do us all a favor and go back on your meds. I mean, its really getting embarrassing for you. I'd hate to see what was an honorable life's work reduced to this. Think about how you're going to face the rest of us when you come back.

there will be no callbacks..I actually heard more furloughs coming soon..
Someones been drinking the Koolaide again

I suppose you think the interior of the Phenom 300 is acceptable?
If so you probably haven't seen it.

You know, I can support the pilot group and 1108 at the same time and agree with a company decision on aircraft interiors.
Prae tell

Gawd, you demonstrate such ignorance, Sojourn is not a Flops company and Flops didn't create it. Get that simple idea braniac? Now lets publish that list of freeloaders and so called unified MIGS doing overtime,runnin broke airplanes and the ones who broke them.
I'd get an umbrella for your parade that gets pissed on.

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