Dude and Publisher - I gotta say you guys are out there!
We should take it easy on our poor employers? Are you kidding me? We get paid dirt for wages, have work rules that make jail time look good and have no retirement or quality of life.
ACA took the $23 Mil from the government and then turned around and reported a $34Mil profit for this year with a BAD last quarter with a $1Mil loss. The money gleaned off by top management was so meager that they were able to buy a chain of chicken restaurants to diversify their income. Yet they furloughed 60 back office staff, cut expenses to the bone and cancelled our profit sharing plan. Yeah - I really feel sorry for them! (Dripping sarcasm)
Every day you go to work for a company that you do not personally own, it is your duty to improve yourself and get the most pay and benefits you can from your employer. No one will look out for your well being except you.
Pilots are not driving airline companies under. Airline management and the US pre-occupation with stock price are the root cause of problems. The greed exhibited at the upper levels of almost every major corporation in America is almost without historical precedence.
Do you think my sacrifice at $40K a year is going to make a difference to a $1Bil company? Absolutely not! How about the CEO, CFO, COO and CIO salaries - could that have an impact? You bet. How about the thousands of Stock Options those individuals hold? Sure. How about that mutual fund who is demanding a $1/share increase this year on the 2 million shares they own? Yeah - now were talking about real money!
Wake up!
The rich get rich and the poor get poorer.
Dude and Publisher - I gotta say you guys are out there!
We should take it easy on our poor employers? Are you kidding me? We get paid dirt for wages, have work rules that make jail time look good and have no retirement or quality of life.
ACA took the $23 Mil from the government and then turned around and reported a $34Mil profit for this year with a BAD last quarter with a $1Mil loss. The money gleaned off by top management was so meager that they were able to buy a chain of chicken restaurants to diversify their income. Yet they furloughed 60 back office staff, cut expenses to the bone and cancelled our profit sharing plan. Yeah - I really feel sorry for them! (Dripping sarcasm)
Every day you go to work for a company that you do not personally own, it is your duty to improve yourself and get the most pay and benefits you can from your employer. No one will look out for your well being except you.
Pilots are not driving airline companies under. Airline management and the US pre-occupation with stock price are the root cause of problems. The greed exhibited at the upper levels of almost every major corporation in America is almost without historical precedence.
Do you think my sacrifice at $40K a year is going to make a difference to a $1Bil company? Absolutely not! How about the CEO, CFO, COO and CIO salaries - could that have an impact? You bet. How about the thousands of Stock Options those individuals hold? Sure. How about that mutual fund who is demanding a $1/share increase this year on the 2 million shares they own? Yeah - now were talking about real money!
Wake up!
The rich get rich and the poor get poorer.