Does anybody know if Flightsafety hires part time instructors? Also what is it like to work there full time. Looking for something that will keep me home more. Thanks
I'm assuming you want to work at one of the sim centers.....great company to work for.....good benefits, excellent pay for sim instructors (starts around 55 - 60 k and goes up from there)...I think they only hire full time people...and you'll have to try hard to get that job....a lot of crusty old retired guys working there that don't wanna go home to their nagging wives.....your best bet is to go to the learning center and ask about open positions...the people there are really friendly and will help you.....
So do they hire part time? I wouldn't mind full time I just thought it would be easier to get on. Do they have sims running 24 hrs and is full time 40 hrs a week?
Depends on the center if you can work part time or not.
At FSI Savannah the only way you can work part time is if you were once a full time Instructor. Even then it's up to the center manager.
Pay is different at all centers. At Savannah pay starts at 70K with most Instructors making 80k up to the mid 90s. (More titles equal more pay. ie do you teach intial, are you a check airmen etc...)
All Instructors have to get 85 DALs (Instructor client face to face time) per month. Gulfstream Briefs and Sims are 7 hours so as you can see you only have to work around 13 days a month to make your time required.
Some months are busier than others. Usually we only work around 10 days in December, July and August but in May, June, September and October you may have to work 16 days. We do work about half the weekends but we almost never work late Sims here at the Gulfstream Center. The Gulfstream clients pay a lot of money and WILL NOT do late night Sims (ie 0000-0400). It all works out to be a pretty awesome job.
I just did hear, from our Center Manager, that turn over is so low that the company is ending the pension plan for people hired after 12/31/2005.
We also get 10 holidays, 2 personnel days and 2 weeks vacation (years 0-4), 3 weeks (years 5-14), 4 weeks (15-19), and 5 weeks (20+). That's why all the old guys hang out here. They all get 5 weeks vacation, make 95k a year and also get a Flight Safety monthly pension while still working here. Just check out the Flight Safety Employee parking lot looks like a Cady, BMW sales lot.
Simuflite does hire partime and full time. Great place to work for. Which location are you interested in? I see you have Lear time, I know some of the Lear guys, they said they are happy.
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