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Flight Options

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Maybe the VP of Flight Operations is the lucky one. If there is any credence to the rumors, he could be back with his buddy before the end of Feb.[/QUOTE]

K.R. is on the Board of Directors of the company which took over the Mercury FBO chain. He and Mike Rossi have been leading an effort to acquire additional FBOs and expand the chain. There is also an indication that his plans have something to do with one of the new Very Light Jets nearing certification (Adam or Eclipse). The 2 together would indicate plans for a new fractional or charter operation with a supporting FBO chain. It would not surprise me to see J.S., as well as many former original Flight Options pilots and personel end up with such an operation. Stay tuned!
A few more than one word.

I was going to leave it at one word but I got heated and it didn't stop there.

Where to start with the flames......
CaptOvers..you asked a bit back if FLOPS was hiring..Street CA's. I say sure we are--quit your job and come on over we will be more than happy to type you in a Beechjet (which you will fly the rest of your life here). Just sign this training contract. You will also get to wear 4 bars-thats the CA game. Bad news is your pay will be an FO pay for 6 months(Eric G would never lie to you, oh yea and per diem is just like salary-you never spend it here). Upgrades are super fast here and you will love it. When can I do you the favor and walk your resume in? Then you can really type and post of what is going on at FLOPS....

As for being pissed at the contract guys--I have never said a bad word to any of them I have met-they all have been nice folks. I know its the company's deal with them. It does take two to tango in the game. They took the deal that FLOPS offered and jumped to the top of the game. I saw the need for contract pilots to get the program off the ground and assist our folks in getting the training they needed. But when is enough enough? TOGA- believe me I know we need a union here and with the morale as it is it will be here soon enough- Your words of it is the company's fault this is here not mine-but yet you continue to benifit from it? Sounds a lot like the guys that crossed the lines for eastern many years ago. While likely you and I are not old enough to have worked for an airline back then. I still get checked if I am on the "list" from the crusty CA's when J-seating on planes. So dont tell me aviation is too big to forget and forgive..You are just giving the company a crutch to stand on and getting paid a hefty wage to do it too. I stand by my attitude of go back to the commuter you came from..If you are part of the problem and not part of the solution then the shoe must fit--wear it. Too many CA's have been pushed back to FO in COEX and AMR to accomodate AA and mainline COA guys-so make sure you folks help them out with their new job while they lean to fly what they call "Little Planes" again. How would you like it if I had an emb type and scored a sweet deal at your job flying as a contract CA. This would stop you from upgrading to the seat and prevent someone else from getting hired.. But hey your airline doesn't have to train me!!! What a deal for them...Oh yea wait--your union would never let that happen to you- would it? If you like it here at FLOPS, come on over and get paid accordingly..Be glad to see ya!

As for doing the CYA thing.. Been doing that for years, I keep copies of everything, never fly overweight like some bozo's. I even keep the stupid voice mails from the past and emails. Do everything by the book..I cover for nobody. I refuse trips all the time to not cover up for scheduling mishaps--oops sorry that puts me over the duty day-then they try to have JS auth the extension--I just throw in the fatigue card.. Its over after that.. Most of the pilots do the same here--but the hero's will be found and punished in due time...Pilots will kill this company in a few years by just doing their job within the 135 regs, also with the help of some serious mismanagement.
We have nothing to do with the CLE FSDO-(other than it will be the one to put the locks on the doors)-The tickit is from Bighampton, NY..thats the FSDO that keeps approving this silly stuff....

So, while I am sure you are some nice guys-one of you doesnt work here so what would you know about it here? The other is part of the problem and not part of the solution--As long as you are remaining as a contract pilot you may as well do something handy like print up some ASAP brochures and hand them out while you are in the FBO. The netjet guys will love you for it too. Feel free to also help us unionize as they wont fire you...

If you read my original post I never mentioned anything about wanting to be a contract CA for Flight Ops. If you think so please feel free to read my post again. I was simply posting something that I heard. I found it hard to believe that the company would continue to do this. I posted to get a view point from a person like you who is in the know.

As far as you basically calling TOGA a "Scab", I disagree. Last I knew there was not a picket line that was being crossed. I'm sure he has his reasons for flying contract work, but to put him in the same category as someone from Eastern who crossed is just out of touch with reality. Maybe you have some unresolved issues with people who have crossed in the past or something, but this is apples to oranges. You should be taking your "Beefs" up with management instead of someone who is trying to make a buck.
Captain Overs said:
Does anyone know anything about Flight Options? I heard they are hiring contract CA's off the street to fly some of their jets and they have SIC people who have yet to upgrade. Anyone?
While I read your post it clearly asked to me if we are we hiring. If so are we hiring contract CA's. Now either you are looking for a job or just heard another great rumor in that EMB cockpit and wanted to cash in on our great mismanagement.....Your words-not mine--
Now you have your post from someone in the "know"

I never called him a scab but in effect now that our folks are trained and on the line it is a very relative term. While no picket line was crossed in effect the same thing was accomplished. A few people (Contract Pilots) looked out for their own good instead of the good of the company. The company used them as a crutch to keep them operating the way they wish to do business. The pilots are effected from the guy/gals seat he is taking right down to the bottom third of the pack. About the unresolved issues? Life is calm and cool here...I already have a fallback business running.. I just love to rant and rave and watch the bilge pumps lose the battle on this stinky sinking ship.....Like I said-you will love it here--let be help you out and walk that resume in for you..
Captain Overs said:
Does anyone know anything about Flight Options? I heard they are hiring contract CA's off the street to fly some of their jets and they have SIC people who have yet to upgrade. Anyone?

....and they have SIC people who have yet to upgrade....

I guess I should have put that line in bold. My statement was more out of disbelief than anything else. I guess you should have known that since you seem to know what everyone is thinking before they say it. No thanks on walking a resume. I'd rather ask if you want fries with that. But then again you'd already know that since you know what I think.
So if it surprises you so much then how in the world did my response to contract CA's surprise you?

Yes I do know what you think-it was part of that great fuel savings bonus I got over x-mas. I spent it on Dion Warwicks psychic friends home study course...

You will never know how glad I am all that hard work I did studying for that ESP test has finally paid off..Right here on the internet...
Thank you Dion and I hope that Madam Cloie' gets out of prison soon.. I have a great business startup for her--its selling HOPE to FLOPS pilots and a sense of humor to the commuter guys..

help better get here ASAP..
Galaxy -

I'd be interested to see what would've happened had the tables been turned. Can you honestly say you'd have turned down the opportunity? You're comparison between contractors and SCABs holds no water and, in fact, says far more about you than anything else.

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