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Flight Options

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Captain Overs said:
Thanks. Is Flight Options hiring?
I wouldn't give a Letter of Recommendation to my mother if she begged me to help her get hired, unless her career aspirations were limited to being a Beechjet SIC for 5 years while struggling to support her family.

Can you tell I'm unhappy here? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. If I don't like it I should quit. I'm working on it.

Take care
I wouldn't give a Letter of Recommendation to my mother if she begged me to help her get hired, unless her career aspirations were limited to being a Beechjet SIC for 5 years while struggling to support her family.

Same at NJA, sort of one of those "you wouldnt wish this on your worst enemy scenarios"...well maybe my worst enemy.
Not So Fast...

Galaxy said:
..I guess there will be some highly paid hawker and beechjet pilots..

What makes you think any former large cabin pilots would remain "highly paid" (your words)? There is absolutely NOTHING in place (can you say "contract"?) that compels managment to maintain anyone's pay at a certain level.

I envision the transition going something like this:

Dear Mr. Pilot-

You will be pleased to know that we are on schedule with our aircraft consolidation plan. As expected, the last owner contract on the <insert aircraft type here> has expired. The last scheduled trip is this Friday. If you are scheduled to fly this trip, please enjoy the experience and take an extra 30 seconds after postflight to reflect on your years crewing <insert aircraft type here>.

As you may be aware, there are no PIC positions available at this time. You are being offered an SIC position in the <insert aircraft type here>. If you accept this position, your compensation will be at year <insert years of seniority here> SIC pay for that aircraft. If you require initial training for <insert aircraft type here>, you will be required to sign the obligatory training agreement. As PIC positions become available, you will be eligible to bid for those positions PROVIDED you a) have a standing bid on file; b) the 12 month seat lock in your SIC position has expired.

Thank you for your contribution to Safety, Service and Profitability, and your<insert years of seniority here> of dedicated service.

R. Sullivan
Director, Human Resources

Hey, some of those guys have a higher sen# than me and make the pay due to the FOK(friends of Ken) pgm. They get what they want-they always have..Just watch this great DEB chicky we inherited from RTA-Thanks. What about all the original FLOPS FO's that dont get PIC pay. Seems that when RTA came here all of you were PIC's-like that was fair! Don't even get me started on contract pilots..

As far as ASAP-you are preaching to the choir brother. Pretty much as soon as RTA's great mgt team came in I have been in favor of a union. Would not care for the teamsters as they have doing a bang up job for our NJA friends. But something is better than nothing...Funny thing is the biggest oponent that I knew of during the start of the vote is now a 180 degree turn and jumping up and down promoting ASAP. As soon as I saw the ASAP website I have been in contact with them. They need addresses for FO pilots, so if you have an "IN" with a way to get it red rover red rover hey send it on over.....

As far as the transition letter I think you are right on it.. More firings for stupid things..The squeeze on tier 3's and possible tier 2's to make a few more quit the game or move. I don't buy this slide to poverty for one second! You are dead on pay, time off, everything will be completely up to management. -ASAP is looking for leaders-so if you are interested in leading FLOPS to them--"Sign Up".
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FlOps has been using Legacy contractors (PIC and/or SIC) since they began operating the type in late Nov of '03. Contractors have been offered continued contract work if they pay for their own 135 checkride. I don't know of any who are willing to pay the ~$8500. If they don't, 2/16 is the last day of contracting, as Part 135 begins on the 17th.
One Word....

GOOD! Go back to the commuter you came from...let us fly our own airplanes..Doesnt the contract you have at the commuter you got your EMB type from have a clause about the company hiring contract pilots to make more money than you? I can't wait till the 17th..I wanna see the fiasco first hand.. I can't wait till ASAP comes walking into here and puts a stop an all these issues..
Galaxy said:
GOOD! Go back to the commuter you came from...let us fly our own airplanes..Doesnt the contract you have at the commuter you got your EMB type from have a clause about the company hiring contract pilots to make more money than you? I can't wait till the 17th..I wanna see the fiasco first hand.. I can't wait till ASAP comes walking into here and puts a stop an all these issues..
that was a lot of words.
I'm surprised he could string that many words together to complete a sentence. And why is he pissed at the contract pilots? He should be pissed at his company for screwing over his fellow co-workers by not offering those spots to them.
Galaxy; I agree with your assessment. However, I think the word fiasco is too soft when attempting to describe the degree of corporate failure we, as an employee group, face. Given the current middle management team’s penchant for stupidity, I believe now that the Flight Options transition to Part 135 operations will be a debacle. By that I mean the company will suffer a sudden, complete, corporate collapse. When that happens, we will all need to duck and cover because the Raytheon Red Team cometh and heads will roll. An audit of every aspect of company operations will take place down to explaining every overtime day paid to the pilots and every nickle spent airlining pilots about the country only to sit standby without an aircraft while other pilots come to work early or stay late for overtime.

Of course, given the bad blood between Flight Options and the Cleveland FSDO, you can standby for fun with a complete FAA audit with 30 days of the the transition. I can imagin a lot but I am having a hard time coming to terms with just how big the FAA fine against Flight Options will be.

It is my opinion that the pilot violation (casuality) rate will be very high and expensive for the individual pilot.

Maybe the VP of Flight Operations is the lucky one. If there is any credence to the rumors, he could be back with his buddy before the end of Feb.
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Wow, I just spent 20 minutes composing a lengthy response & the freakin' board dumped it!!

Cliff notes: I agree with all your posts, although the 'go back to your commuter' jab was immature and misdirected. Get ASAP in here, ASAP! Get rid of contractors for good (don't fool yourselves into thinking this'll be the last of 'em). Get the union in here, or you'll become fall guys for the company's mismanagement. Whether you like unions or not, you guys are in a position of desperate need for one for so many reasons. Some of those reasons are not so obvious. For example, there's a program called (ironically) ASAP that keeps you from being fall guys for the company's mistakes, or your own. It's like ASRS, only way better. I hope you guys come out of this whole mess (that's what the 135 changeover is very likely to become) smelling like roses. DO NOT BUST REGS FOR YOUR COMPANY . . . THEY WILL NOT GO TO BAT FOR YOU AGAINST THE FAA. Any reg, ever. Good luck!

(The long version was way better) :)

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