Blee256; there was a time that you could come in off the street to the G-4. Not very likely now. Start at the bottom in the small cabin stuff and work your way up (may take years or could be a few months to work your way out of the small cabin stuff the folly of fractional aviation being what it is: who knows.)
Just a personal observation as the ground school instructor at Simuflite for the December initial class. Training did apprear to slow down. Normally I have a full house (Dozen or more) in my class. I only had four new hires for options.
In regard to the Simulator, not a problem, we had plenty of room in the sim. The new sim is a reality. It should be moving down from the factory in the next few months....
There wouldn't be a problem with the sim if it was ONLY Flops folks using it. Last time I was there there were 11 people, 4 Floppers. With the other people in the class it makes it tough to get everybody in and keep the cobwebs out of the sim. You do the math (11 people x 2 hrs each) not much time for delays. And it sounds to me like people I talk to on the road hear the same thing I did, doesn't matter if it was before I was there or after I was there, they've been proising a new sim in the "next couple months" to everybdoy. I'm not saying there's no new sim in the works, but people at SF have been drastically underestimating the delivery date.
I was there a couple of months ago......I had late shift. Our checkride was supossed to start at 2330, but it kept getting pushed back due to the sim breaking on earlier crews. We didn't even start our checkride until 0630.....missed our airlines on day 9....ended up being up well over 36 hours when all was said and done.....I was none to happy. We don't seem to have nearly as good of sims and sim support at simuflite as we did at FS.
I heard that your alls schedules at FSI and SF are controlled by your management... and that your management had you guys/gals working very long hours for initial and recurrents. Making everyone unhappy... pilots/instructors..etc.
No. We do not fly any days on the line before or after recurrent anymore. The schedule at Simulfite is not bad for the pilots unless you get lousy sim times which I never have. I prefer Simuflite over FSI and had a great Instructor last time around.
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