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Flight Options BS

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flexlrpilot357 said:
They can't retroactively fire you, that's silly. Call the state labor dept.

Why not? My company fired a guy after they had already fired him. These companies can do whatever they want and get away with it. David vs. Goliath and we're fresh out of stones. I'm glad this case was resolved, at any rate.
Last but not least, hide in anonymity as this board is read by the folks in CGF.
Then maybe some of the folks in CGF reading this board would like to comment on the all white airplanes and what it means. Please don't tell me you would waste money on temp decals instead of doing it correctly the first time. Not buying that lame story, I haven't seen any other fractionals flying all white planes around because they are waiting to decide what color to paint them.
Live4flyng said:
Then maybe some of the folks reading this board would like to comment on the all white airplanes and what it means.


A few months ago, a new hawker was in LIT getting the "decals" installed on the airframe. In a conference room upstairs, some Raytheon officials happened to be watching out the window admiring the "decaler" do his work. They witnessed him trimming the decals with a razor blade and they flipped out.

Turns out, the shop(s) have been installing these decals using the same method. Upon inspection of the LIT hawker, they found some deep gouges in the paint from the decalers razor blade.

This prompted an immediate grounding of all aircraft that had the new decal scheme. They had to remove all the decals and found several aircraft with deep gouges in the paint, which were inspected to determine if the pressurized areas had been breached.

We have been in peak travel periods ever since this was discovered. The aircraft will be cycled through at their next major maintenance event to have new colors applied.

The decals are not "temp decals" as you call them. Many manufacturers are going to this method of decorating aircraft. It costs less and allows the buyer to change schemes much easier, especially if he is buying a used aircraft and doesn't like the color.

Options is growing, not downsizing.
I heard . . .

that on one aircraft the decals came off in flight and were ingested by the engine, trashing it.

Don't know if that is true, but it is funny.

About the razor blades, I seriously don't see how a razor blade could in anyway damage an aircraft. I know it would gouge the paint, but I don't see it doing any damage to aluminum. I suppose you could do it if you were really trying, but if you were just trimming decals I don't think you would put all your force into cutting it.

What do I know, I am unemployed (for a few days).

I am sure there are 14 other stories out there as well. We gossip more than women.
Help...two seperate issues

Employment (IRS/SSA Credit)
If you are currently on APPROVED Leave/Vacation with a return date in the future, you must show/call in for work on that date. At that time you should submit a letter of resignation. If this has already been done, don't sweat it I will explain below. You are an employee through ANY period of APPROVED LEAVE or VACATION. THis is with respect to being an employee of a firm and receiving Insurance, workers' compensation and unemployment benefits. True for any state. Contracts, are not legal if they supercede this. Your resignation letter if signed/effective as of any date prior to your approved leave does not hose you from those benefits earlier mentioned. You were merely (AS A COURTESY) informing the employer that you would not be able to return for FULL TIME Work on your expected return date following that approved leave. Your employer may insist you show on that date to return company materials, process paperwork and receive wages due to you(including perdiem if in your contract), vacation, 401k, and reimbursements, LESS hours/days not worked if on contract and or non-returned company property.

your employer cannot discontinue your insurance coverages while you are still an employee. You cannot be fired from your position outside the context of your contract/employee manual and/or while you are away on leave. You must be allowed to report for work on the agreed upon date and receive credit for unempoyment benefits for that period that your leave was approved. Additionally, your Health coverage does not cease the moment you walk out the door. You have the exact same coverages through the remainder of the month on your current premium/copay and then for another 180 days after that under COBRA. It is a federal program that allows you to continue with existing coverages for 6 months but at much higher premiums. A great Program instituted without thought by Clinton that out of work people can't afford higher insurance premiums while looking for a new job.

Lastly, OH is an "employer" state or "at-will" meaning any company can fire any wage earner with or without cause. Unfortunately for Options, your pilot contract and flight department handbook likely cites a disciplinary process prior to termination with few exceptions. It might be important if you plan on a career beyond Frontier to find out if in fact you are fired and hold them to the process and defend yourself. Another post had suggestions on contacting key individuals at the Co, I would be friendly and state your case. As a last resort, maybe a good labor attorney in NE should review both OH and NE law in addition to your company manuals. A good cease and decist letter should get the results you desire and a clean file.

In any case, you are an employee regardless of your last flight completed or line status. I would imagine their is nothing in the manual either tha cites flight time as a requirement or pertaining to anything other than currency.

Good luck,
" Additionally, your Health coverage does not cease the moment you walk out the door. You have the exact same coverages through the remainder of the month on your current premium/copay and then for another 180 days after that under COBRA. It is a federal program that allows you to continue with existing coverages for 6 months but at much higher premiums. A great Program instituted without thought by Clinton that out of work people can't afford higher insurance premiums while looking for a new job.____________________________________________

Good info except COBRA runs for 18 months. The cost I believe is restricted to 103% of the total cost prior to leaving the company. The increase in expense is due mainly to the fact that you are paying the whole bill and not a small employee part.
Griz said:
Did you also get some magic beans with this story in exchange for your cow?

I seen the results of the razor blades on two aircraft. Deep gouges on both of them.

So why don't you just run back down to your union hall, climb under the table and do some more negotiating with managment.
JetCapt69 said:
So why don't you just run back down to your union hall, climb under the table and do some more negotiating with managment.

I am sure you would want a union if you ever run into a similar situation as Jetsi (sorry about your misfortune) the originator of this thread. The purpose of a union is to enforce the agreed upon contract so that management cannot do things at their whim such as arbitrarily take away pay, vacation, and medical benefits.
Believe me I know our union is not the best-but at least we do have a degree of protection.

Hope everything works out for you Jetsi-and congrats on Frontier.
Couple of our guys are headed that way also.

Fly Safe
Good info except COBRA runs for 18 months. The cost I believe is restricted to 103% of the total cost prior to leaving the company. The increase in expense is due mainly to the fact that you are paying the whole bill and not a small employee part.

I would guess that is correct as "Aspiring to be" knows all being fired. I mean unemployed. :D
Never been fired but I have used COBRA twice. Once for my daughter when she hit 21 and the other time when I retired.

What is your problem 450?

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