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Flight Options BS

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Zoo Crew
Apr 2, 2002
I need some help with this one guys, but it sounds liks BS.

I have been working at RTA/FLOPS for over 4 years. Interviewed with Frontier, got the job, starting class April 12.

My last flight at Flight Options was March 6. Since then I have been taking scheduled vacation before I was offered a job at Frontier.

I got a call from my Program Manager today, saying that since I haven't worked my last day of employment with Flight Options was March 7.

I have gotten 2 paychecks since then, along with per diem, and paid for health insurance, etc. I have gone to the doctor and dentist since March 7, so I have been using my benefits.

I don't even exactly know what is going to happen here, but I was just told this less than 30 minutes ago. Am I going to be responsible for all of my medical expenses I incurred? Should I be getting unemployment since my employment date was before I turned in my Letter of Resignation?

If anybody has any ideas on what I should do, please let me know. I am still suffering from Shock and Awe.

If Options granted you vacation, then you are still on the company payroll until the end of your vacation period.

Call Joe and explain the situation to him and ask him to make your official termination date effective as stated on your Letter of Resignation, if that doesn't work, try Herzburg. (Not that any of this will help)

If you have paid your insurance for the month, then you should be covered. I would call United Healthcare and discuss this with them. You should have the option to continue your insurance, even if it is just long enough to cover the expenses.

I can't believe that Shedden is hosing you like that. I wish you the best of luck at Frontier.
RTN/FLOPS has no Honor!!

Looks like you are getting a screwing from RTN/FLOPS. I would think if you paid for part of your health benefits that they will not try to screw you there. If they do and you have spent a lot of money you will be able to get COBRA. I believe you have sixty days before your have to pay for COBRA so you should be able to see if they will try and stiff you. I had a friend at RTA that almost the same thing happened. It serves no purpose to give notice to RTN/FLOPS. You would have been better to have taken vacation and then told them you were leaving. You can not be treated in an honorable way when you are dealing with people that have no idea what honor is. You might go to your unemployment office and just ask them for advice as to your rights and course of action. I expect they only thing you can do is seek legal advice and as RTN/FLOPS knows that it is not a financial reasonable move on your part. Probably you will just have to take it in the shorts and just say good riddance to the terrible management of RTN/FLOPS.
Having had time to think . . .

I am first going to contact the Department of Labor in Nebraska (where I live) and find out who has jurisdiction, NE or OH. Since I pay my state taxes to NE I think that would be the first place to start.

I am wondering if they are going to credit my money I paid for medical on my last check. By doing this they are also screwing me out of $680+ in per diem.

And another question is did I quit or was I terminated. Having never been fired from a job before, I really don't want to have to say that I was fired at an interview (God willing there will never be another one, but what a crazy business.)

I do agree that at the least, my termination date should be after my vacation. I just wonder how they can tell me I am let go a month after it happened.

I will just vent on this tonight and drink more beer. I think there are going to be a few phone calls tomorrow, starting with the People Department. Might just be a waste of air, but at least I am burning up minutes on their 888 number.

I will end up taking this in the shorts, no doubt about it. Fair warning to all of you out there. If you are going to quit to go to greener pastures, don't give them any notice. Just call them the day before you are supposed to go out and tell them you quit.

What comes around goes around
They can't retroactively fire you, that's silly. Call the state labor dept.
I just want . . .

my paycheck until I said I quit.

I want my per diem.

I want my insurance.

I want to get paid my remaining vacation and sick time.

I think that is all I want (without getting greedy ;-P)

And now to really make people angry. OOOOOHHHH, if only we had a contract. LOL.

This really sounds crazy, and it really does not sound like Shedden to pull something like this. I would call Herzburg, He has allways been great about solving problems, but you may have to call him more than once. This company has been very fair with me so far, but if you have vacation or sick time, they can not take that away from you!!!! And you would be foolish to leave it! you earned it!

Good luck on your future and let us know how this turns out.
This really sounds crazy, and it really does not sound like Shedden to pull something like this.

That is becuse his PM is not Shedden.

Jetsi, don't worry, you'll be working under a contract soon enough.
Didn't know Shedden

Is he the used PM?

Can't believe I am still awake and fuming over this.

Heads will roll tomorrow. Now my head must hit the pillow.

Later guys and gals
The Official Retraction

Here is the information ladies and gentlemen, straight from the horses mouth (being mine).

Turns out there was a little misunderstanding between myself and Mr. Bilger about the outcome of my employment, which has been rectified.

My last day of employment is today, April 6, 2004.

And some more details to those who would be interested. I have been paid my per diem, my insurance is paid through the end of April, and I forgot to ask if I get paid for my unused sick time or not. Last but not least, hide in anonymity as this board is read by the folks in CGF.

And to finish, I would like to offer my sincere apology to Flight Options and their staff for any dishonor I have given them. I flew off the handle with some bad intel, and regret the indiscretion.

Good luck everybody, wherever your paths may take you.

Matt Siegrist

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