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Flexjet Hiring ?

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Hey Mach 92........
Glad to hear you beat Bombardier at thier own game. I love it ! I love it !...
If more pilots stood up like that, there would be less crap handed down from above.

Did you get punitive damages ??

Training Contract

You talk about the training contract as if you are forced to sign it, you don't have to take the job if you don't want to. Would you be so happy if the Teamsters or NJA did not honor their contract as you apparently did at Flexjet. By the way, Flexjet has been great to me. I've worked here for almost 6 years and will make over $100,000.00 this year with very little overtime.

You seem to be having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that you are not a man of your word.
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Obviously you have a hard time reading the next post. But thats ok we all have those days. That was directed towards the contract not what improved his ideas for a better quality of life.

Dont you think you are in a better position then most at flex? Do you think management is being fair to our long time FO's? I can not blame the others for leaving if it has made things better for them. You say flex has treated you right, but you are not the norm here. Nor will most of us see that kind of sentiment for sometime. I know you will say you have paid your dues at flex. Look at how much our FO's are paying!! With no light at the end of the tunnel.
You NJA guys are soooo funny! You are so quick to pounce on others. I wish all the fractionals all the best!! We all need things to improve.
vixin said:
You NJA guys are soooo funny! You are so quick to pounce on others. I wish all the fractionals all the best!! We all need things to improve.

Lighten up Francis.

If I recall, you are the one that cast the first stone. Are you not?

However, if you want to quip, the UNION (note the difference in terminology) has done quite a few things for us in the last few years. More than I care to go into. But, it does include increasing 7/7 schedules to all fleets. Improving med coverage, increasing gateways from 3 to 25. And none of them affect you at all.

I like my job, you like yours. I see no problem here.
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Lighten up Francis. (-Nicolas Cage, Firebirds)

Ahhhhhhhhhhh no actually it was "STRIPS" SGT HULKA.

"HOW ABOUT SOME STRAWBERRY BUBBLE GUM" was Mr. Copola aka Nicolas Gage

To vixin,

I understand your feelings about Flex but I believe we all had a choice when offered the job. For me it was a pay cut and I had to move to Dallas from Memphis (1997). But I wanted to fly some new equipment, have a better schedule, and better long term benefits than I had. I was the 80th something pilot that Flex had hired and thought that they would never hire another person. I was wrong and now am sitting in the top 10% of our seniority list. I'm just a simple guy doing a simple job for a company that I like with people that I love.

I have a lot of friends that have been with airlines for between 1 and 14 years and many of them are being furloughed families and all looking at Christmas with no income our unemployment checks.

So, I am happy to be here, I'm glad I came here when I did, and I wish all of us. No matter who you work for, all the luck in the world that we keep these jobs and they get better in the future.
Everything is a choice

Vixin is right, the 6th year guy has no clue what the first year guy has to look forward too. The question is "will the first year guy upgrade in 6 years"?
I was at Flex for just shy of 3 years. Loved the pilots, loved the aircraft, hated the way the hotels went down hill, and am still bewildered by which way management is taking the company.
The guy that "took" my seniority number still has no clue when he will upgrade. When I walked into INDOC at Netjets the first 2 people I say were "Ex-Flex". One junior to me, and the other was #14 on the seniority list at Flex.
I do make more money then I did at Flex because I'm getting Cpt's pay. Yes a Flex Cpt makes more then a Netjets Cpt (on straight time). I'm sure that when our contract comes through, we will "leapfrog" over Flex on the Cpt's pay. But hey! That's good!
As flexlr357 will tell you, I'm just a bitter ex-airline guy with issues. We'll, I got better 357, and you helped!
Don't be to hard on Mach 92, after all, he's been where your at, and now he's somewhere else. He truly can compare.
There are alot of ex-flex pilots here at Netjets. I think it would be pretty hard to convince a person of average intelligence that we are all a bunch of losers and whiners.
In the end we are all in the same industry. What happens good for one of us should ultimately "trickle down" to the rest.
So in closing, as an ex-flex senior F.O. who had a ball flying with you guys, have a Merry Christmas. For those who would wish to run my post down, Ah go %&*% yourself, and you have a Merry Christmas too!

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