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First choice? regional

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registered abuser
Feb 8, 2004
I am a MEI in Florida, I have finaly graduated college and built up a good pile of flight time. Now i have a decision to make CHQ, or Comair. Any thoughts?
- Quality of life
- Upgrade time
- Travel benies
- Contract issues
- Job security

I am still in my 20s so i think i will have a chance to move out of the regionals one day
ExpressJet is where i am at. I am happy and most of us are happy to work here. Quality of life is good. I got the base of my choice after only 2 months and while commuting i had no problems getting home. We have a great group of pilots here. Good luck in your choices.
Go to XJet if you wanna stay a long time at a regional... or go to CHQ for the quick upgrade and a quick exit to the majors/legacies when they start hiring in a few years.
jws717 said:
Whats the upgrade time at X jet these days?

Unless something big happens I'm looking at at least two more years, if the fhiring and upgrades stay at the current rate. I was hired early October.

Out of those you mentioned I'd go to Comair for the bases and pay. Chitaco for fast upgrade maybe, who knows what the future holds for the companies they flt for.

XJT is a good choice for pay and job security, this seems to be a serious company and I think that as far as the regionals is concerned, we are ahead fo the game in many aspects.

Hoe this helps, best of luck makinga choice.
Don't worry about the upgrades! That should be the least of your concerns. Never go to a company just because they tell you that you will upgrade fast. I was told i would upgrade in six months but got fuloughed in 4 months. You never know! If you are choosing between Comair and CHQ there is absolutley not doubt that comair is the better choice! good luck
More to ponder!

jws717 said:
I am a MEI in Florida, I have finaly graduated college and built up a good pile of flight time. Now i have a decision to make CHQ, or Comair. Any thoughts?
- Quality of life
- Upgrade time
- Travel benies
- Contract issues
- Job security


I assume you are basing your Airline decesions on driving to work at MCO. Some questions for you to ponder! I work for neither of your 2 choices so I can offer some other things for you to think about!

Can you hold the MCO base in a relatively quick time? Don't flame this, Just a hypothetical, but If MCO was senior and took 3 years to hold as an FO, Would you still go to either? I am a third party observer, Just trying to give you some more things to think about! As far as your questions, Here's some more things to ponder!

- Quality of life
Until you have seniority, It doesn't matter, Reserve is Reserve and yes it sucks! I do not know of one regional that has (Had) TWA's 18 hour call out.

- Upgrade time
Everyone worries about upgrade time, This again can change or kill quality of life....When you upgrade, You go to Junior Captain (read reserve, Maybe not being able to hold your base of choice, again commuting, etc.)

- Travel benies
Pretty much the same everywhere now, They had to give you something when they took other things away.

- Contract issues
It's a regional, If you think it will be Mainlines Contract's forget it, They don't even have it anymore, Every Regional has some good things and some bad things, ask around.

- Job security
Is their such a thing, Everytime you turn around, someone's cutting someone else's throat. The only real job security is someone else will hire you if and/or when you are furloughed. There are those that have been and those that will be.

With a contract carrier, These contracts come up for bid every so many years, At anytime in the negotiations, the contract can be changed or ended. Bye Bye base of Choice, Hello LGA, PHL, DTW, ETC. (Not there is anything bad with these places, Just not always easy to commute to with Weather Traffic, Etc.)
Mesa Guys loved their CLT and PHL bases and they're going away, Air Whiskey guys loved ORD and now they are going to PHL, CHQ I believe got there MCO base because of Comair strike, It all comes down to who will do it (and usually for less!)

Just remember, You're in your 20's, Make the most of it, and sit back and enjoy the ride.

Good Luck
QOL is very much a personal issue/decision and asking a bunch of pilots on a message board which regional has the best QOL is pointless. Each person will give his/her opinion as to what is a good QOL FOR THEM and then urge you to base your decision on that.

What is most important to you? Pay or Better choice of base? How long could you stand/afford to be an FO (of course, don't forget that current upgrade time could mean little to those presently getting hired)? If that company only has one base you could choose from, could you stand living there or commuting there? These are just a few examples of the many questions you should ask yourself after looking carefully at each regional if you want to make an informed decision. What makes a great QOL for one person may make a crappy one for another.

Oh, did I mention you have to get an interview and then job offer too? This is usually the hardest part, and usually the one regional that might offer you a job will help narrow down the choice for you ;-)

Good luck!
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