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Fed Ex Hiring Process Question

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~Caution Wake Turbulence~
Jul 12, 2008
What is the first thing fed ex will do if they are interested in interviewing you?
Letter? Phone Interview? If anyone knows any insights for the phone interview, or ect. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance for any input.
We're not hiring right now, so it's an unknown as to what the process will be once things start up again. The most recent first step was having your sponsor bring you in to an ACP for a "meet and greet" mini-interview. There were rumblings that this process was causing too much extra work for the ACPs and could be modified or discontinued.

The system prior to that was simply a phone call informing you that you'd been selected for an interview and the available dates. No phone interview.

Hope that helps,
And bring your DD-214...

I was wondering how long that would take, although I fully expected something more along the lines of "The first step is to join the military."

Of course it's not true, but whoever let facts get in the way of posting on the internet :rolleyes:.

It sure helps. There are so many military folks in FDX that it is much easier to network because you can almost always find someone who was in your squadron that works there.
I was wondering how long that would take, although I fully expected something more along the lines of "The first step is to join the military."

Of course it's not true, but whoever let facts get in the way of posting on the internet :rolleyes:.


What % of hires at FedEx are civilian?
What % of hires at FedEx are civilian?

In my class, 8 of 15 had no military background (what's that, about 52%?). Just from what I've seen, classes have been anywhere from 30-60% with pure civilian experience (guessing around 50% overall), and a significant percentage of those with military backgrounds have also flown for other carriers.


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