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FE written currency

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capt. megadeth

Metal Momma!
Oct 12, 2003
Does your FE written expire after 24 months requiring a retake if you are working for a 121 airline?
I believe it stays current if you are employed as a pilot by a 135 operator as well.

One thing to consider, though. A lot of Majors want you to have a written exam that is current under FAR 61.
If, before the end of the 24 months after taking the knowledge test, you are employed by a 121 carrier, of a 135 commuter air carrier and you are employed by such a certificate holder at the time of the practical test, the knowledge test results may be used. 63.35(d)(1)

>>>>A lot of Majors want you to have a written exam that is current under FAR 61.

The written exam is never "current under Part 61". Part 61 deals with pilot and flight instructor certificates. Flight engineer certificates are addressed in Part 63.
FE Written

Note: You must have your (TEST REPORT) certificate extended by a FAA Inspector prior to the 2 year period expiration. The Verbage on you Computer Test Report needs to be annotated by the Inspector with the following statement " The period of validity of this form has been extended IAW provisions of FAR 63.35 D 1 and FAA ORDER 8400.10 VOLUME 5 page 5-134 paragraph 225D". If not extended prior to expiration then your Test report cannot be extended ... Additionally, if you start training for FE prior to the 2 year period ... then this meets the spirit of the extension as well ... again you will need to have it extended by an FAA inspector prior to expiration ...
Ok, let me be clear as to why I care ....I got my FE written done in June of 2002. Do I have to retake it again to list it on my UPS and FedEx application?
same here

capt. megadeth said:
Ok, let me be clear as to why I care ....I got my FE written done in June of 2002. Do I have to retake it again to list it on my UPS and FedEx application?

I am in the same situation but I will knock it out again.
capt. megadeth said:
Ok, let me be clear as to why I care ....I got my FE written done in June of 2002. Do I have to retake it again to list it on my UPS and FedEx application?
Do you *have* to retake it? No, you don't have to do anything. There are no regulations which address what you put on your application. I'm not trying to be flip here, it's just that your line of questioning is mixing apples and oranges. If you were employed by a 121 carrier when you took the exam, and you are employed when you apply for the practical, the results should be good. * (see note) Now you *could* list an expired result on your application, so the question of whether yours has expired is moot, in that sense. What this leaves us with is what fed-ex and UPS *prefer* ie: what will make them happy. In that sense, there may be some question of whether they will be happy with an older result which would still be usable. THe safest thing is to list a nice shiny new test result, less than 2 years old. then there is no question, it is clearly still good. Remember, much of this process is a beauty contest. A test result 2 months old, and one 3 years old are just as valid, if you meet the criteria, however a the 2 month old test result is "prettier".

I would take it over if I were in your shoes. Yeah it's irritating to re-do something you don't have to, but it's what? 50 bucks and a couple of weekends of studying the questions? I think it's probably worth doing to have the new result as a "plus" when they look at the application. THis is just my opinion, but once we're beyond the legal question (and we are) we're in the realm of opinon. Hope you find mine useful.

Note: regarding USNA84's post. I can't find anything which supports his statement that you have to have the result endorsed. Clearly, the regulation itself says noting about this. I took a look at the paragraph in 8400.10 he referenced and that doesn't even address the issue of extending the written result (at least in my copy of 8400.10) The paragraph which addresses the extension is Volume 5, Chapter 3, Section 1, paragraph 227 (page 5-135) and it essentiall just reiterates the requirements of 63.35(d)(1) and makes no mention of an endorsemsnt of validation. I don't see where USNA84 gets this, maybe he encountered it with some inspector. Perhaps another example of inspectors adding thier own requirements above and beyond the regulations? I don't know. Anything to add USN84, I'd be interested to hear where you've encountered this.

When UPS contacted me earlier this week to setup my re-interview, they asked some basic questions (do I have an ATP, 1st class medical, etc).

One question was do I have a current FE written? I told them I still have the same FE written I had when I interviewed 3 ½ years ago, but I have been in continuous 121 employment.

I was told that was fine.

A squared.......I sit corrected on the part 61 vs. part 63 gig regarding "currency" of written test results....my bad.

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