I will be getting my commercial single in the next few weeks and would like to keep the ball rolling and get my CFI. I know there are a bunch of FAA publications I will need but I don't know which ones to get and where to purchase them from. Any suggestions?
Nah... I'm looking for actual books. What I'm really looking for are the titles and the best place to purchase the FAA publications I would need as a CFI and especially the ones I would bring with me to my CFI check-ride.
First and foremost, you'll need "Aviation Instructor's Handbook," also referred to as the FOI (fundamentals of instructing). You'll literally read that book cover to cover. Try to find someone with a cheat sheet to help memorize all the concepts.
You need to have all current PTS booklets. And you should have all the requisite FAA publications, e.g. airplane flying handbook, aviation weather, etc. But you probably already have all those. Jepp, Gleim, and ASA publications are decent supplements that you can use for lesson plans, but examiners expect you to teach the FAA way. Don't forget about instrument concepts because you'll be teaching BAI even if you don't have your CFII.
Having some of the major advisory circulars is always good...e.g.
61-65D endorsements (important!!), 91-67 stall spin awareness and 61-91H WINGS. You can download them from a FSDO website.
Hope this helps a little and best of luck with CFI...it will make you a great pilot!
First place that I would look would be your PTS. The PTS will have a complete bibliography of the FAA publications you must and should possess.
A few that come to mind immediately are the Flight Training Handbook (I understand that the FAA came out with an updated version of the FTH a few years ago), Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowlege, Instrument Flying Handbook, Aviation Weather, Aviation Weather Services, and, of course the FOI, known properly as the Aviation Instructor's Handbook. Also, a current copy of the FAR/AIM.
Some people might suggest Aeronautics for Naval Aviators. That's fine; some questions on the Commercial written are pulled from that book. But, unless you're a math whiz, it is very slow and difficult reading.
You are very wise to accumulate the library of FAA pubs early in your CFI training. No matter how well you like something like, for example, Peter Dogan's book for instrument training, the FAA books are its last word on what to do, how to do it, why you do it, why it works, and how to teach it.
Hope that helps. Good luck with your CFI training.
PS-I second the suggestion above about getting AC 61-65D. It has the FAA-approved practical and flight review signoffs.
Just got done with my oral for the CFI, used the POH, my homemade visual aids, the oral exam guide, FAR, and the PTS. Make notes next to all tasks in the PTS. Shouldn't have to pull any other publications out.
If you've been buying sectionals and A/FDs and PTS booklets, then you should be able to get your other publications at the same place. If not, try Sporty's at www.sportys.com.
I'm sure they have just about everything you could ever need for anything aviation-related.
Page 3 of the Flight Instructor PTS lists all the references from which the Checkride test standards are based on. They are:
CFR part 61
CFR part 91
CFR part 97
NTSB part 830
*AC 00-2 Advisory Circular Checklist
AC 00-6 Aviation Weather
AC 00-45 Aviation Weather Services
AC 61-23 Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25)
*AC 61-65 Certification: Pilots and Instructors
*AC 61-67 Stall Spin Awareness Training
*AC 61-84 Role of Preflight Preparation
*AC 61-94 Pilot Transition Course for Self Launching or Powered Sailplanes
*AC 61-48 Pilots Role in Collision Avoidance
*AC 91-13 Cold Weather Operation of Aircraft
FAA-H-8083-1 Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook
FAA-H-8083-3 Airplane Flying Handbook
FAA-H-8083-9 Aviation Instructors Handbook
FAA-S-8081-4 Instrument PTS
FAA-S-8081-12 Commercial Pilot PTS
FAA-S-8081-14 Private Pilot PTS
FAA-H-8083-13 Instrument Flying Handbook
FAA/ASY-20 95/001 Airport MArkings, Signs, and Selected Surface Lighting
If it ain't in them, you don't need to know it
(* the ones with an asterisk are downloadable, the rest are books to buy)
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