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Expressjet Striking

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I'd say one way for us to help turn the tide a little is by informing people on not going to airlines such as Mesa, TSA, GJ, and any other airline you might feel is not paying thier employees par wages. NOW....before anyone here that flies for these carriers jump on me let me tell you truly and honestly, I have no ill will or disrespect or otherwise towards ANY current Mesa pilot or TSA pilot.

It is my belief that Mesa pilots took the contract they currently have to do away with Freedom. Great thing....Pretty bad contract on soft issues especially. But nevertheless got rid of a what could be a devestating cancer with the potential of keeping 80% of the regional pilots at the regionals forever at Slave wages.

TSA guys appear to be fighting their way through. They rejected a first crappy offer on their GJ saga and told their management to stick it. Good for them, they seem to have the will to take on their management. Despite massive firings of every union leader and anyone who gives a GJ guy as much as a dirty look. These guys, like XJT need our support because the outcome could and will affect everyone eventually.

These in turn are the reasons why I would encourage any youth out there not to apply at these carriers just yet. I believe that with less applicants, the manangements at these places might start thinking about treating pilots like pilots and not sweat shop workers.

Again, I mean no disrespect toward these pilot groups whatsoever. I happen to have buddies at both just like many others on this board I'm sure. Less pilots at these places can only help their situation and eventually all of us.
What are we going to strike for? We work for ExpressJet which in turn services CAL. We dont work for CAL, we're not CAL pilots, we dont have a contract with CAL, they're separate companies which, I thought, had a good, close relationship. Nope, as much as it sucks, we need to continue doing a good job for xjt (and in turn cal) and hope that the two sides are able to work something out to keep the airplanes and extend the relationship. Only been here a little while, but xjt runs a class operation and hopefully cal will change their minds and put some value to that. If not, a cheaper carrier will take our flying and eventually cal will hurt in the long run.
i think its a bit premature for anyone to get their panties in a bunch because of the recent announcenment.


I understand the fines, but under what charges would a union leadership go to jail?
blackbox said:
I understand the fines, but under what charges would a union leadership go to jail?

A judge can send the the MEC members and officers to jail if they support, advocate, or simply don't discourage an illegal self-help action.
Colgan hires like crazy due to high turnover. I had an interview there. My Grandmother died and the funeral was day of the interview. They wouldn't let me reschedule the interview. They treat people like crap and they try to run you off after a few years. I know three this has happened to.
As for Mesa, Nobody stuck a gun to thier heads to sign that contract. The NMB already rulled any agreement would have to include the Freedom Pilots and the CCAIR pilots under one CBA. Meanwhile ALPA president Duane Woerthless signed off on the agreement willingly and knowingly this would set back the regional industry 10-15 years. This was the only way around scope clauses the legacies instilled in the 1990's. Meanwhile, I have a few friends at Mesa and they tell me the new hires have to work on thier days off deliviering pizzas just to make ends meet.
Why is it like this? Because these starry eyed young 22 and 23 year olds come out of school and are willing to work for these wages in hopes to get on at a legacy carrier. The legacy cairrer jobs are drying up and fast. Many will make the regionals thier final stop, Like myself, because I didn't go to college to become a pilot, this is my third career. Trust me, if new hires would refuse to work for $20K a year, mgt would be forced to raise the pay, just like when the industry was Pay for training, mgt had to abolish that practice when they couldn't hire qualified pilots. It works the same way. Beleive me, it does.

How do you know?
I said not to ask!!

But since you did, three reasons:
1. Seven year cycles show up everywhere. (i.e. seven year itch, el nino, karma)
2. It's Biblical
3. Jim Cramer said so

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