Has anyone had a telephone interview in the last few days? I'm wondering if they are the same questions as before. The ones reported a couple of weeks ago were:
1. Passenger complains to you about your hard landing, what do you do?
2. You are due to depart in 2 hours and there are currently thunderstorms over your destination, what are you going to do?
3. How would you provide excellent customer service to ExpressJet customers?
4. How many times would your employer say you were late in last 12 months."
Any updates would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm about to fill out the online application and want to be prepared for the phone call.
1. Passenger complains to you about your hard landing, what do you do?
2. You are due to depart in 2 hours and there are currently thunderstorms over your destination, what are you going to do?
3. How would you provide excellent customer service to ExpressJet customers?
4. How many times would your employer say you were late in last 12 months."
Any updates would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm about to fill out the online application and want to be prepared for the phone call.