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expressjet pay during training

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Blue583 said:
Well thanks KJ for that great comeback. I have no problem flying a 172, I'm only 22 and I enjoy flight instructing. As you can see I only have 750 hours, so I still have a little time to built before I get that interview with a (solid company). I figured I would get some comment from someone (like you) that would have to put me down because I don't work for a mighty regional yet. If you think it's okay to put two grown men in a room together to share for a month, that's fine. But I don't think it's that wrong for me to think it. Also, I obviously don't have a problem to spend 4 straight days with another pilot in the cockpit, I actually can't wait for that. As I'm sure you already understand, you don't sleep in the cockpit with the other pilot. I'm sorry I made you so mad.

I'm not putting you down man. You ran straight into that one. And you didn't make me mad in the least. I'm just stating my opinion, as are you. If single occupancy hotel rooms in training is what your already complaining about in training with a regional, then your just gonna be another one of those guys that b!tches about everything when your online. Suck it up for a month. Who knows, he may end up being one of your good friends who helps you out in getting a job later down the line. You have no idea how small this industry is man. But you'll learn soon. For now keep building time. By the way, I'm 22 as well.
kj6991 said:
Oh wait Blue, I have a quick scenario for you. Why don't you just ask the interviewer if it's single or double occupancy because you don't really want to spend one month with a grown adult you don't know who is in the exact same boat as you are in training.

dont worry, he can hold out for one of those 'solid companies' that doesnt even provide a hotel during training, then he can have his single occupancy room... at his own expense.
I had a great time w/ my roomate during training...We ended up becoming great friends, still keep in touch. I think having him around help me keep my sanity during training.
Blue583 said:
Although I have never worked for a regional I think that double occupancy is crap. How can a company put grown adults that don't know each other in the same room for any amount of time. I haven't done any research on this, but I think I would want to stick with a company that at least gave me my own hotel room, if not a decent salary.

I think you have alot to learn about the industry you are working in. There was a time when companies didn't pay anything in training, much less any kind of accomodations as well as a free meal. If you do ever get hired at ExpressJet you had better keep your fcuking mouth shut and not bitch one bit about it. Especially while on line. I don't think any CA here will have the slightest bit of sympathy for you. Many guys had to pay for a room, pay for training, get displaced/furloughed after 9/11, ect.

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