ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS with Delta and Delta Connection flights, insist with the agent that they list you. The Delta system "knows" the priority and will clear the j/s'er in the correct priority. But ONLY if the agent lists you.
If they refuse to list you or wait until after the 15 min cutoff, then they are probably friends with the jumpseater.
This was a hard fought battle to get all the kinks out if the Delta system. It removes the agent from the loop since they honestly don't know and aren't required to learn and/or study who has priority.
Of course, in the end, it's all up to the PIC...
As you have done, always report any irregularities with your union's jumpseat coordinator.
Good luck in the future!!
If they refuse to list you or wait until after the 15 min cutoff, then they are probably friends with the jumpseater.
This was a hard fought battle to get all the kinks out if the Delta system. It removes the agent from the loop since they honestly don't know and aren't required to learn and/or study who has priority.
Of course, in the end, it's all up to the PIC...
As you have done, always report any irregularities with your union's jumpseat coordinator.
Good luck in the future!!