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"Employers Name Withheld"?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2004
Maybe this has been brought up before but why is it when you see a job on one of the employment websites that looks half way intriguing, with a good explanation of the job, duties and pay, does it generally say "Employers Name Withheld"?

Is it just a dirt bag company or are they trying to protect themselves from prospective candidates doing research on them? Or is it something else?
Skyranger777 said:
Maybe this has been brought up before but why is it when you see a job on one of the employment websites that looks half way intriguing, with a good explanation of the job, duties and pay, does it generally say "Employers Name Withheld"?

Is it just a dirt bag company or are they trying to protect themselves from prospective candidates doing research on them? Or is it something else?

It's not a real Job! It's the Employment website trying to stirrup more paying customers remember if it sounds to good to be true it is!
Many companies do not want to be contacted directly. They want the hiring process to stay inside of a controlled process. Particularly at small companies lots of phone calls and pilots dropping by the hangar can be disruptive. Plus these may be replacement positions for current crewmembers. There are many good reasons as there devious reasons.
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That's nice. Don't tip off the guy you're about to fire til you actually fire him. Then he can really be screwed and have no chance to look for replacement income til the original income stops. Real classy.
WMU, that would be a devious reason.
if there is no salary listed, and the company name is withheld, it always makes me worry i am applying for a position i currently hold, at a company i am currently employed by.

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