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Emirates Application Help

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I Hate Freight

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2004
Okay, they ask for "referees" which I assume means references. The instructions are:

You must provide contact telephone numbers and email addresses of at least three referees from management (two from your current employer, including one who has flown with you and one from your previous employer). A colleague or peer is not acceptable as a referee. We are unable to accept current employees of Emirates as referees.

It says that they have to be from management, two from my current employer and one who has flown with me. I don't know anyone in management and have never even met my chief pilot! The only people I have flown with are captains but they say a "colleague or peer is not acceptable."

Am I interpreting this correctly? Any help would be appreciated.

Okay, they ask for "referees" which I assume means references. The instructions are:

You must provide contact telephone numbers and email addresses of at least three referees from management (two from your current employer, including one who has flown with you and one from your previous employer). A colleague or peer is not acceptable as a referee. We are unable to accept current employees of Emirates as referees.

It says that they have to be from management, two from my current employer and one who has flown with me. I don't know anyone in management and have never even met my chief pilot! The only people I have flown with are captains but they say a "colleague or peer is not acceptable."

Am I interpreting this correctly? Any help would be appreciated.


They consider instructor pilots as management.
Well it looks like I'm stuck then. Captains get line checks, f/o's don't. None of the check airmen giving a captain a line check would remember me. The f/o is sort of along for the ride in that situation. The only people I have flown with at my regional are captains.

I would think that any f/o from a U.S. airline would be in the same boat. Who flies with management?

There has to be a misunderstanding here.
Keep thinking about more people that may fit the profile..

Ever fly a normal trip with a CA that was also a Check Airman??

What about guys from your school house, the instructor that signed off your initial PC or RPC??

There is no mis-understanding, they need the references from "management". As was said above check airmen, instructors etc are OK.

Good luck finding guys, I had the same problem but ended up using check airmen.
Thanks Proach. In fact yes, I do know one check airman that I flew a short trip with a few months ago. I'm not sure he'll remember me though. They only want one referee (strange word to use) I've flown with so I guess the other can be my chief pilot... whom I've never met. As for my previous employer, I'll put down my D.O.

Hope that works!


When you did IOE, that was with Instructor/Check airmen.

Does someone from HR (from an old company) qualify as management?

On my app I put down this:

Current employer
1) Chief Pilot
2) Check airman (who did an observation flight with me as flying pilot)

Previous employer
1) HR person who can verify employment

Is this acceptable?

Well it looks like I'm stuck then. Captains get line checks, f/o's don't. None of the check airmen giving a captain a line check would remember me. The f/o is sort of along for the ride in that situation. The only people I have flown with at my regional are captains.

I would think that any f/o from a U.S. airline would be in the same boat. Who flies with management?

There has to be a misunderstanding here.

Are you crazy. Just because a captain is getting a line check doesn't mean you are off the hook. Screwup and deviate from SOPs and the Checkairman will probably be debriefing you.

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