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EK Holding Pool Questions??????

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2005
Hello guys,

First of all, i want to thank everyone for the help during my interview process. Mainly, Typhoon Pilot who gave an honest assesment in the situation in Dubai and at emirates. Here are my questions...

1. I am in the holding pool at EK and am afraid that i will be swimming for a long time. I am currently an RJ pilot and with the new future furloughees at United, American, Continental, and many others; i feel that EK might rescind their offer and give the guys with heavy time a chance. I interviewed back in May and am hoping for a class date later this year or early part next year. Should i be worried or is this just my nerves getting to me.

2. If i do make it to dubai, what kind of connections do they have for bbq grills. Is it the same as here in the states for propane connection? I am an avid griller and that is one of the greatest passions in life for me:)

3. Do any of you have experience in hiking/ camping in the UAE?

thanks for the replies....

patiently waiting in the states.

Hello guys,

First of all, i want to thank everyone for the help during my interview process. Mainly, Typhoon Pilot who gave an honest assesment in the situation in Dubai and at emirates. Here are my questions...

1. I am in the holding pool at EK and am afraid that i will be swimming for a long time. I am currently an RJ pilot and with the new future furloughees at United, American, Continental, and many others; i feel that EK might rescind their offer and give the guys with heavy time a chance. I interviewed back in May and am hoping for a class date later this year or early part next year. Should i be worried or is this just my nerves getting to me.
I HIGHLY doubt they would rescind the offer.

2. If i do make it to dubai, what kind of connections do they have for bbq grills. Is it the same as here in the states for propane connection? I am an avid griller and that is one of the greatest passions in life for me:)
ME TOO!!! SO far I've seen propane grills, but maybe someone who has been longer can give you a better idea..

3. Do any of you have experience in hiking/ camping in the UAE?
Not yet, but I know there are lots of it

thanks for the replies....

patiently waiting in the states.


Good luck!
I just wanted to add my thanks for all your help for this. You all have been very helpful. After 11 weeks I finale have my answer.

Application to join Emirates - Pilot Interview Programme in Dubai

I am writing in relation to your application to join Emirates as a First Officer, and your subsequent interview session in Dubai. We have now completed our assessment of all candidates and I regret to advise you that you have been unsuccessful.

Whilst this result will be a disappointment to you it is not meant to reflect adversely on you or those candidates who are not given an offer. I am sure you will realise that the final decision is often very difficult given the range of many excellent candidates.

I am sorry that this letter does not contain the result that you would wish and regret that I am unable to offer any feedback with regard to your assessment.

If you remain interested in pursuing a career with Emirates, we are now offering candidates the opportunity to reapply once a period of two years has passed from the date you initially attended a selection program.

I would like to offer my own and the Company's best wishes for your future success. Thank you for your interest in Emirates.

Yours sincerely,

Pilot Recruitment

This is a computer generated letter and bears no signature.
Best of luck to all of your.

the grill connections are the same

the best idea is to purchase the grill of your dreams in the US, keep it in it's box, and ship it here

the grills they sell here are Way too expensive

hiking/camping is big here, just not in the summer. did you check out Dubai explorer? they also have a camping only pub i believe.

welcome to dubai
This should make the poolies feel better.......

I received an email from a friend of mine who's a Captain at EK. He'd spoken to the VP of recruitment and this is what was said................

"he told me everyone in the pool will get hired they just don't know when. A decision about class needs and class allotements will be made over the next week or so. He said they aren't stopping recruitment or hiring as the airplanes are continuing to come. The problem is they are 70 Capts over on the 777. This was caused by the normal attrition rate of 8% dropping to 1%, since there aren't many places to go these days and the sudden glut of US pilots out of work. Along with the delays by Boeing this will cause the bubble to last past the original Oct date that was planned, thus the delay in class dates. Hope that helps and of course since this is an airline, all of the above is subject to change!!"

So there you go..................
Hi Kenny. Thanks for this post. I hope it comes through as your source has indicated, as many of us "poolies" are fairly concerned with this current state of uncertainty.
FWIW, I ran into the interview CA that hired me at EK HQ today. I asked him how the hiring is going, and he told me he's back flying the line. We're full. No more interviews this year.
Hello guys,

First of all, i want to thank everyone for the help during my interview process. Mainly, Typhoon Pilot who gave an honest assesment in the situation in Dubai and at emirates. Here are my questions...

1. I am in the holding pool at EK and am afraid that i will be swimming for a long time. I am currently an RJ pilot and with the new future furloughees at United, American, Continental, and many others; i feel that EK might rescind their offer and give the guys with heavy time a chance. I interviewed back in May and am hoping for a class date later this year or early part next year. Should i be worried or is this just my nerves getting to me.

2. If i do make it to dubai, what kind of connections do they have for bbq grills. Is it the same as here in the states for propane connection? I am an avid griller and that is one of the greatest passions in life for me:)

3. Do any of you have experience in hiking/ camping in the UAE?

thanks for the replies....

patiently waiting in the states.


The George Forman grill should work fine for you. Either that or just place the meat on the sidewalk during the summer and flip every few minutes...
A bit off topic but...
Got a generic email from Emirates saying I'm "short listed" what does that mean? Does everyone who meets mins get short listed?
A bit off topic but...
Got a generic email from Emirates saying I'm "short listed" what does that mean? Does everyone who meets mins get short listed?

I received the same email about 6 hours after hitting the submit button. I think it's a generic, computer generated reply if you have the mins.

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