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EJM Pilots - How does it work? Questions

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Heavy Set

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2002
I have seen a couple of EJM postings and I have reviewed the EJM website - I am somewhat familiar with the operation but I have some questions:

1. Are newhires hired by the actual aircraft owner or EJM?

2. If hired by the owner, do you stay with that owner or do you float around and fly the same aircraft type for different owners?

3. If you are hired by the aircraft owner, do you negotiate pay with the owner or are you paid by EJM a certain amount based on aircraft type?

4. If you are hired by EJM, do they assign you to a certain location based upon the location of certain aircraft - or can you fly out of gateways?

5. How's the morale at EJM? Is there much mobility among aircraft types - or are you pretty much stuck on a certain aircraft? Any examples out there of happy EJM pilots - are you flying something different from your previous job?

6. Lastly, I read that EJM operates some BBJs - how could someone be lucky enough to fly one of those aircraft? Would you have to apply directly to the owner or could you apply to EJM directly to fly a BBJ - based upon experience... Do you know any BBJ pilots at EJM - how do they like it?

Thanks for the info!
Heavy Set,

1. EJM hires to "fully managed" aircraft and facilitates hiring to "charter managed" aircraft.

2. You and your crew are hired specifically for a particular a/c. Some senior pilots within the company will do short term fill-ins for other a/c. If your fully managed a/c goes away, the company will try to find you a position within the company, though no guarantees. Quite often, pilots will leave EJM for the company when the a/c leaves, many going to work directly for the company owning the a/c.

3. Fully managed pilots negotiate with EJM. There is a scale, but that isn't etched in stone. Charter managed pilots negotiate with the a/c owner directly. You work for them, not EJM.

4. Charter managed pilots are assigned a particular tail from a particular airport. You must live close, days off are not always guaranteed. In essesence, you are a corporate pilot flying the owner and guests, and possibly charter, in the owner's a/c.

5. The morale varies from gig to gig. Some a/c are manned appropriately and days off are guaranteed. Some a/c for example, have 2 pilots and no guaranteed days off. They can have a really rough time. Mobility within aircraft types is possible, it just depends upon the situation with your particular owner at the time and your personal relationship with management. Most of the mobility in the past came from the group known as the "float". This group had 2-3 types of a/c and worked strictly 7/7 schedules, lived at home and could move up into bigger a/c when openings occured. This group flies company owned or leased aircraft and perform 135 charter, primarily for NetJets. These are the EJ tails. This group's future is in doubt and the aircraft are being sold. Morale among this group is "as expected".

6. I don't know of any BBJs at this time. Original plans called for EJM to acquire BBJs in a ratio to NetJets (1:3). But that hasn't happened. There may be a charter managed BBJ, but I'm not aware of it. If one were on certificate, a Fully managed aircraft would get its crew from EJM, a charter managed aircraft would bring in its own crew or EJM may help recruit qualified applicants to work directly for the owner.
Mobility and hiring at EJM is going to be extremely limited for a while. With the demise of the Falcon fleet there are pilots sitting around not doing anything and some sitting in front of a computer called 'CMH Fleet Support' or some crap doing airport audits for NetJets in CMH. With the Citation fleet to follow there will be even a bigger 'surplus' of pilots at EJM. I understand some of the float guys are going to NetJets but I don't think they're going to take all of them.

As far as happy EJM pilots? There may be a few here and there but on the whole I would venture to guess that most of us tolerate it because we don't have alot of other options in today's job market.


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