I ILS JNKY Sea Plane Pilots Assoc Joined May 22, 2002 Posts 178 Jul 17, 2002 #1 of 4 Does any one know what company or who flys most of the rock n roll bands. Was also woundering who Elton John uses as his corporiate Pilots Thank you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Does any one know what company or who flys most of the rock n roll bands. Was also woundering who Elton John uses as his corporiate Pilots Thank you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
501261 Consigliere Joined May 27, 2002 Posts 829 Jul 17, 2002 #2 of 4 They mostly charter. I flew EJ to a Memphis concert a few years back, didn't like him before and still don't like him.
They mostly charter. I flew EJ to a Memphis concert a few years back, didn't like him before and still don't like him.
CCDiscoB Well-known member Joined Mar 15, 2002 Posts 779 Jul 18, 2002 #3 of 4 What about pro-sports teams. I know when the team travels they charter a jet, but what about the owners/team management.
What about pro-sports teams. I know when the team travels they charter a jet, but what about the owners/team management.
I ILS JNKY Sea Plane Pilots Assoc Joined May 22, 2002 Posts 178 Jul 19, 2002 #4 of 4 sports team The Orlando magic has their own 737 or at least they did about 4 years a go , they use to be one of my clients till i left sales. under the name of Magic Avaition locatied at MCO.
sports team The Orlando magic has their own 737 or at least they did about 4 years a go , they use to be one of my clients till i left sales. under the name of Magic Avaition locatied at MCO.