Went scuba diving a little over a week ago and traumatized my ear drum from what ive been told by a company doctor.I have had a ringing tone in my ear for over a week now as a result of trying to equalize my ears underwater via the "Valsava Maneuver".
Just wondering if anyone on here has ever had this happen.Several folks have told me that this problem i have will most likely heal itself over time.The company doc told me that there could be permanent hearing damage,which would suck.Also wondering if anyone knows of any ENT's(Ear,Nose,and Throat specialists)
My eardrum now has some redness to it,from what the company doc saw,but couldnt really speculate any further.
Thanks for any suggestions/advice.
Just wondering if anyone on here has ever had this happen.Several folks have told me that this problem i have will most likely heal itself over time.The company doc told me that there could be permanent hearing damage,which would suck.Also wondering if anyone knows of any ENT's(Ear,Nose,and Throat specialists)
My eardrum now has some redness to it,from what the company doc saw,but couldnt really speculate any further.
Thanks for any suggestions/advice.