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Active member
Sep 27, 2005
Where can I find if there are any pilot restrictions to flight (Part 135) into Canada or Mexico after having a DUI if the pilot is Amercian flying for an American company?

This doesn't apply to me but was told that if you have a DUI than you can never fly into Canada again.

If you attempt to get into the CANPASS system with a DUI you will be denied entry into Canada. However you can pay a Canadian Atty around $1500 to $5000 and be rehabilitated
After 10 years you are automatically rehabilited and don't need to do anything, as long as it's only been one occurrence. Any thing less than 10 years see above response.
that doesn't just go for piloting an airplane across the border.... it applies to crossing by car, boat, foot, ect. also.
No problem. Just show up with some duct tape, and mention Red Green. Never met a Canadian Customs Officer that didn't have a sense of humor.
Never met a US Guy that did.

If you attempt to get into the CANPASS system with a DUI you will be denied entry into Canada. However you can pay a Canadian Atty around $1500 to $5000 and be rehabilitated

At least our judicial systems are similar. If you have money nothing is ever a problem. If your poor, do not pass go, go directly to jail.

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