I think that the people who are throwing the word socialism around on this thread should stop listening to Beck, and Limbaugh and pick up a book and read what socialism actually means. You may not like what the government is doing, fine. I don't agree with all of it either. But its not Socialism, and we are not a true democracy or a pure Capitalist state. We never have been. At best we are a Democratically elected Social Republic. We've been that way since day one. Seriously, stop watching Fox News and pick up a history book. Preferably one not published by Ruport Murdock.
I think most of the people who are the most angry at Obama and the government are venting it in the wrong direction or don't understand what is going on and how we got here. Obama didn't set up the rules for deregulating the airlines. He also has not influenced the way the anti-trust laws have been writen for 100 years. He also has no significant apointments put into the DOT since his election.
I don't even know why I am bothering to say this. In the next post somone is just going to acuse me of trying to take there guns, or call me a nazi or something and completely miss my point.
Exactly right Dash.