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Does the a hat make you a professional?

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Duct Tape Virtuoso Deluxe
May 13, 2002
My company just issued a "Hat Optional" memo. I'm pretty excited, actually. I hate wearing the stinking things. They don't have my size (7 and 5/8 is just a bit too small but the next size up is huge), they're HOT, they're making me go bald...etc. Most guys at the company are "WOOHOO"ing the announcement, but there are a few that seem to believe that the hat is a REQUIRED piece of the uniform and that we need to wear it in order to "look like professionals."

Agree? Disagree?
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The only thing my hat is good for is covering that unruly tuft of hair that is kicked up by the top of my company-issued Dave Clarks. Other than that, it just makes me look like a golf tee.
It has become apparent to me that my head is mishapen, causing me to look like a real dofus in the hat. Given the choice...no hat for me. I ruined mine when it got knocked off from some prop blast and gave it a nice uniform fade around the top as it slid 100yds on the ramp, until it hit a tug.

By the way, who do you work for?
Congrats on working for a company with an enlightened management team.

I'd bet money that the guys that think they need the hats to maintain a "professional appearance" are the same ones that have to keep reminding everyone that they are the captain.

Another possibility is that they are a bunch of whiny malcontents that find fault in everything the company does.

Last I checked Southwest has a hats optional policy. Has anyone accused them of being unprofessional? Would any of the people claiming that lack of a hat is unprofessional turn down an offer at Southwest? Now if you could ditch the tie......

Which company is it?
FL000 said:
The only thing my hat is good for is covering that unruly tuft of hair that is kicked up by the top of my company-issued Dave Clarks.

What the he!! do you fly that you need to wear David Clark's?

As far as the hat... I'm glad I've never had a job where I had to wear one... Make you look like a (city) bus driver... Ralph Cramden...
Falcon Capt said:
What the he!! do you fly that you need to wear David Clark's?
I don't need them. It's just that I'm too cheap to buy a lightweight set, and I don't feel like toting them around and caring for them. The DC's don't bother me too much, and they're free.
the hat

I admit, traveling light is the name of the game and if you can get away with not wearing your hat, then that's one last thing you have to carry with you on a trip. But on the other hand, I think the hat looks good. I don't think it has anything to do with looking "professional". I think a pilot in a leather jacket without a hat looks plenty professional. Although bus drivers and skycaps wear the same hat, I think it would be cool if we could keep the traditional image of a pilot...suitcoat uniform and hat....looks sharp to me. I personally wore the suitcoat in the summer and the leather jacket in the winter. In rainy weather, I wear my London Fog trenchcoat with the liner removed for rain protection.
Look it...it's a no Forkin' brainer. For John Q. Public, the hat has a certain air (no pun) of professionalism to it. We all know that we can dress up and make the worst pilot we know look "professional"... Frankly, (ok, I won't call you "Frank"...)... Honestly, if wearing the hat would get me off furlough, I'd wear the hat 24/7... I'd wear it on my d*ck if it would help me keep my job. If all we had to worry about was the freakin' hat, then good for us. But with the world and work the way it is...if that is the worst thing you have to worry about, then I am jealous of you.

Wear the freakin' hat if your company requires it and worry about something more important. Pull-leeze...

Oh...PS...as a former Biology teacher...I can assure you that wearing a hat doesn't make you go bald...your head would get as bald as your a$$ whether you wore a hat or not...it's genetics my friend, not hats...that's been proven over and over again...

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