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Insurance companies are getting pretty touchy about amphibs, (even moreso than standard retracts) due to the high rate of pilots inadvertantly landing in the water with the gear down. While it may sound benign, it's usually fatal.
If memory serves me correctly, an SES rating is required for an amphibian. That being the case the CFI must have an SES rating, and she would qualify for SES on her Private, not SEL. I'm pretty sure they qualify as high performance, 250 hp I think. I don't believe complex applies to seaplanes, but not sure. I think.
kaj837 said:
I don't believe complex applies to seaplanes, but not sure. I think.

In this case, an LA4-200, it is complex. Retract gear, C/S prop, and flaps.

If it was a 182 on straight floats, or a Martin Mars, then it wouldn't be complex, no retract gear.

Check the insurance. You do not have to have SES to instruct her as SEL. The SES is an add on to the private.
kaj837 said:
If memory serves me correctly, an SES rating is required for an amphibian. That being the case the CFI must have an SES rating, and she would qualify for SES on her Private, not SEL. I'm pretty sure they qualify as high performance, 250 hp I think. I don't believe complex applies to seaplanes, but not sure. I think.

yes 250hp = High performace. Complex seaplane = props and flaps, both adjustable. not sure where it is written but i read it somewhere.
landlover said:
yes 250hp = High performace. Complex seaplane = props and flaps, both adjustable. not sure where it is written but i read it somewhere.

It's in the Commercial PTS. It says: "A complex seaplane is one having flaps and controllable propeller."
A Squared said:
It's in the Commercial PTS. It says: "A complex seaplane is one having flaps and controllable propeller."

Great, but back to basics. This lady wants to do PRIMARY FLIGHT TRAINING. She has to get her PRIVATE SEL before she goes off to splash and dash. AFTER passing SEL, then go for SES. And, as a SEL, is it a complex aircraft. It is also a complex seaplane.
sky37d said:
Great, but back to basics. This lady wants to do PRIMARY FLIGHT TRAINING. She has to get her PRIVATE SEL before she goes off to splash and dash. AFTER passing SEL, then go for SES. And, as a SEL, is it a complex aircraft. It is also a complex seaplane.

Uhhhh, well, I think you are reading something into what I said. I was merely providing the refernce that landlover was thinking of which isn't really relevant to the Lake anyway, because it has retracts so is a complex aircraft no matter how you cut it. ....but since you commented, no, she doesn't have to do her SEL first, she could just as easily do the SES rating first (assuming qualified instructor) many people do.
Well, there I go again, thinking I might know something. I always thought that SEL was a pre-requisite for SES. Of course you have pointed out that is not the case.

It does make perfect sense, to own a Lake Amphib, and get the SES first.
Of course it is complex. I realized that shortly after my previous post. The question is: Doesn't an amphibian require a Seapane rating? I seem to remember reading that somewhere.
sky37d said:
Well, there I go again, thinking I might know something. I always thought that SEL was a pre-requisite for SES. Of course you have pointed out that is not the case.

It does make perfect sense, to own a Lake Amphib, and get the SES first.

Yeah, it's obviously much more common to get the SEL first, but it's not required.

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