You don't really hear the American pilots complaining, just like I doubt you will hear the United pilots complaining when they buy CAL and staple the CAL pilots to the bottom of the UAL list.
I am pretty sure United has a much stronger union than CAL, so they will get what they want when they merge.
Gosh Poco, I hope your right, I can't wait to laugh my a$$ off at all the UAL people on this board when you come back in here and tell us you got the job, and are heading to DEN... LOL !
I'm sure your just their type... Oh man this is great!!!
And again I hope your right, I hope UAL bumps my butt back to 20 yr F/O and I yank gear for you. Because I'd love to see you fly that thing by yourself.
Keep us updated, we're all hoping for the best.