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Delta pilots to strike?

  • Thread starter psysix
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  • Watchers 24

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Pilotbob3 said:
finally an airline pilot union with some cajones after 9/11.

It is left to be seen whether those sacks actually contain nuts of the cojones turn up missing in action.

They are right to say no. But, saying no now and voting with their feet later are two very different things. We shall see who has the real cojones.
CONGRATS to the DELTA MEC for standing up to the onslaught by lawyers and highly corrupt management types that are victimizing our professsion.

Lawyers in this country own Washington. Therefore, they take carte blanche when it comes to bully the working man through smoke-and-mirrors legal manuevering. All the while, they STEAL from the company coffers due to lack of congressional oversight and lack of limits to what these hethans can charge.

What the lawyers don't realize is the power of a mob. Thus far there has been no "mob" to fight them. The UAL pilots folded like a wet noodle, the USAir pilots did the same. If DAL pilots mobilize in force, a mob will be headed to the steps of the courthouse. I believe management AND the lawyers will come to the realization that pilots are part of the solution... not part of the problem. With the price of fuel as high as it is these days, management types are CRAZY to be pushing the very employee group that can control the overall economics of the airline (read: hands on the thrust levers/ managers of the #1 company asset, the airlplane).

You DAL guys and gals have my (our) full support. Please stand and fight for our profession. Believe me when I tell you, if and when our time comes I will certainly be doing the same.

After two concession cuts, AQ management signed an agreement that they would NEVER seek to file 1113.They outright LIED. Thus far the AQ pilots have drawn their line in the sand (no pun intended). DAL mgmt made the same sort of commitment last year when they said they would only ask the pilots once for concessions. You guys/ gals coughed up $1 billion in concessions and they want more? Time to show them who runs the airline!
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The loudest most frightening sound to GE Capitial and any other creditors is the sound of a silent jet engine. If there was a creditible threat of hundreds of parked airliners around the country and the world they would go after someone elses cheese. They are betting that will not happen and so far they are winning. I mean, the price of jets on the market would plumment and just where are they going to find the repo pilots to go get the jets from where they are parked?

Yes. it wouldn't be pretty. Judges, lawyers, media, passengers all whinning about it but we'd have to stand fast. Eventually they'd come to us or wouldn't let it happen in the first place. We have to put it all on the line in order to stop the slide.

Storm in a glass of water, the management-labor rhetoric always get hot and heavy during negotiations.

Like someone else said, it is a game of chicken, who will flinch first?
surplus1 said:
It is left to be seen whether those sacks actually contain nuts of the cojones turn up missing in action.

They are right to say no. But, saying no now and voting with their feet later are two very different things. We shall see who has the real cojones.

Well said. The true test will be those who will FIGHT! Stand tall and defend your territory! Remember managements ONLY goal is your capulation.

Now close ranks and dress right!
Dizel8 said:
Storm in a glass of water, the management-labor rhetoric always get hot and heavy during negotiations.

Like someone else said, it is a game of chicken, who will flinch first?

Why, the pilots will....We always have, and we always will.:rolleyes:
We are our own worst enemy.

<<Liquidation vs. capitulation. >> seems to be the debate but this assumes that 'most' of the pilots actually walk and they can shut the airline down temporarily. True after so many cuts there comes a point when someone asks whether the job is worth it anymore...the problem is that point ranges across a wide spectrum for a diverse seniority group.

The guy who just missed his early out opportunity might think going from $250k to $160K sucks but he can tolerate it because he has no other options and will make up the difference in overtime. (The horse may die, but hopefully it will get me home.)

The younger guys may be living on hope. They made it to the "show" and have no plans on taking 2 steps back. They might think I have 20 years left, so I'll ride out this storm and make it up at the end. At least i'm making $70K while I'm waiting. (The horse is sick, but it might get better if I can unload some of the extra weight it is carrying.)

And the guys in the middle may have their own excuses for not going "all in."

The point is everyone can make an excuse for their actions. Getting the majority to walk out will be a huge undertaking...but this is the only option short of accepting whatever management dictates. Fear is rightfully running rampant. Now is the time to decide what you are willing to do; start consensus building, pilots talking to pilots. Someone else may be betting all of your chips on one hand, now is not the time to be timid, quiet, or a herd follower.

(Passenger) Airline management has been following a playbook that has been very successful. Someone has to break their streak. Good luck men.
scoreboard said:
After a few beers among fellow pilots, the following was proposed:

Why not have the pilot union actively seek and interview their choice for replacement management, one they feel will do what is best for them and the company. Make it an ultimatum, we work for the guys we picked, or let the games begin... That would put a few boards on edge if the union came up with a reasonable management team.

Maybe to many beers...


You've made my day and given me a reason to laugh. Yep, waaaay too many beers.
whymeworry? said:
CONGRATS to the DELTA MEC for standing up to the onslaught by lawyers and highly corrupt management types that are victimizing our professsion.

Lawyers in this country own Washington. Therefore, they take carte blanche when it comes to bully the working man through smoke-and-mirrors legal manuevering. All the while, they STEAL from the company coffers due to lack of congressional oversight and lack of limits to what these hethans can charge.

What the lawyers don't realize is the power of a mob. Thus far there has been no "mob" to fight them. The UAL pilots folded like a wet noodle, the USAir pilots did the same. If DAL pilots mobilize in force, a mob will be headed to the steps of the courthouse. I believe management AND the lawyers will come to the realization that pilots are part of the solution... not part of the problem. With the price of fuel as high as it is these days, management types are CRAZY to be pushing the very employee group that can control the overall economics of the airline (read: hands on the thrust levers/ managers of the #1 company asset, the airlplane).

You DAL guys and gals have my (our) full support. Please stand and fight for our profession. Believe me when I tell you, if and when our time comes I will certainly be doing the same.

After two concession cuts, AQ management signed an agreement that they would NEVER seek to file 1113.They outright LIED. Thus far the AQ pilots have drawn their line in the sand (no pun intended). DAL mgmt made the same sort of commitment last year when they said they would only ask the pilots once for concessions. You guys/ gals coughed up $1 billion in concessions and they want more? Time to show them who runs the airline!

It's always the loudmouths from other companies that want the guys in the fight to take the arrows for them. Talk is cheap WMW.

If you had been paying attention for the last few years you would know that the MEC has burned any claim to fair-play by delaying the 2002-2004 negotiations past the point of no return so that the pilots-with-paychecks could take advantage of the C2K, allowing the seniors who qualified for regular and early retirement to hit the ground running by maxing out their last 3 years. This brinkmanship is what got us where we are now.

The PRP fiasco, still continuing, has also cost support among many pilots.

All that being said, there will never be a strike. The greedy, short-sighted SOBs who run DALPA have way too much to lose. They are only using this as a way to energize the activist minority with this BS bluff.

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