My last experience going into CMH, full 737-800, snowing, down to RVR measurments, braking action reports in effect, controller tries to slam dunk us to the 10L (the shorter north runway).
Negative, we want 10R. Controller says unable. We go around. My next response is we would like to hold until 10R IS available. Magically 10R becomes available. So glad we insisted on the longer runway. Airport conditions were crap.
The moral of the story is sometime we as pilots push ourselves too much to accommodate the controllers. I'm not saying this is the cause of the current event, but it did look wet and everyone who flies the 737 NG knows what a runway hog it is.
Well played, good post.
Obviously it's safe to say this could happen to anyone. When you are very near minimum runway and surface limitations it doesn't take much to put you on the wrong side of the safety margin. A slightly higher gust and an unexpected slippery spot can come together at just the wrong time.