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Delta interviewing soon

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That was exactly my point. It was in no way intended as a slam at Delta, just an acknowledgement that I am a bit old to be starting over again.

Remember, age is only important if you are a cheese!:)
I agree, at 42, I wouldn't want to start over.....You will see the left seat a lot faster at Air Tran than you would at DL. Junior MD88 captain is a 98 hire, so let that be an indication of what it will take. Granted, the past 5 years have awful with regards to the way the Legacy carriers have been. But with DL getting more aircraft in the future, I would look for a lot of hiring after this year.

A military background doesn't hurt either........
As a former DL cargo employee (LAX) I would be interested in knowing how long before a potential new-hire could hold a widebody out of LAX - reserve or not. 6400tt 2650jpic
Who knows. Last time there were new hires going to all a/c in almost all hubs. This time it will be slower. If DAL does not merge with someone and they do in fact get all of these a/c on order there will be a ton of movement.
<<<As a former DL cargo employee (LAX) I would be interested in knowing how long before a potential new-hire could hold a widebody out of LAX - reserve or not. 6400tt 2650jpic>>>

I'd be about 5 from the bottom of the 75/76 LAX, and I was hired Jan 01. Been furloughed since, bypassed a few months ago.

Not sure if that tells you anything or not, everything could change tomorrow. or the next day, or next year-
Pilot Applications Being Accepted
On Wednesday, Delta announced that we will be accepting new-hire pilot applications. In the first 24 hours we received 426 applications with an average of 4949 total time. Of that, 3763 was turbine time and 2653 was PIC. This certainly shows that there’s a significant interest from experienced pilots who want to fly for Delta Air Lines. Our minimum flight time to have an application accepted is 1200 hours. If you want to know more, go to the Flt Ops Home page and click on the “Pilot Selection” link on the left side of the page.

When making recommendations, please ensure you provide the correct email address to your potential candidate. Remember, in most cases, a Delta pilot’s email address will include a middle initial ([email protected]).
Any word on when ground school wil be held for new hires interviewd in jan. -feb.? Also, how soon before all the furloughs are recalled and back in class?Thanks.
That is a classic RJDC statement. Thanks for that. That is why you guys want larger planes too---so you don't have to interview, you can keep weekends off, and you can keep your vacation. Take a chance old man! (I'm 42)

Bye Bye--General Lee

Better yet he should just quit all together, and stop tearing this industry apart!

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