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Delta, DFW and.... Skywest???!!!

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A fool and his money are soon parted. Anyone who believes that SkyWest's days as a major part of the Delta connection is over is kidding themselves. Never bet against SkyWest, you will lose. Is anyone really surprised that SLC is being overlapped? We knew the day we flew in DFW that fortress SLC was soon to be overlapped. I even have a few more routes out of SLC I would be happy to give to you, Butte Montana would be the first. Bottom line, the number of connection carriers is growing not shrinking as some would lead you to believe.
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"Why share the gravy"? I don't understand. Skywest has no say in who buys or sells Skywest stock. Do you understand the market? Not attempting to be mean or rude, but unless I misunderstood you, it seems you don't.

To answer your question..Yes

Deals are sometimes made on golf-courses and bars, not boardrooms
However, the point was: No ownership by DAL

Thank you for your comment

Are you talking about ASA or Skywest. I asume ASA because last I heard we were still hiring.

As far as Delta growth I think ASA and comair our probably out growing us, that's o.k. though because were taking alot of United RJ's right know. One company people are forgetting about right now that is getting some growth is Chataqua (I think I spelled it right). I have heard that they are getting some Delta routes now as well. My guess is as time goes on Delta will have all their regional flying so overlapped that a strike at any one carrier wouldn't hurt them that bad.

As far as Delta selling Skywest stock it's probably just to get some cash & avoid the big B.

Again-- I stated that recruitment stated on the phone "no new hires this year" (ASA)! Now, there is a posting out for new interviews! What gives?

As far a Delta going the "big b"---that probably won't happen---due to the fact that Delta has $2.6 Billion in cash and another $2 Billion to mortgage if needed. I think they made $121 million off the skywest stock, which was lost awhile ago I am sure. If things got really bad here at Delta, I am sure they would sell off ASA and Comair for the needed cash, and still operate them as feeders. And, as far as all of the new flying at DCI-----there was an increase of flying allowed at DCI from 36% of all flying to 44%, which is a large chunk--and good for all of the carriers involved. Mike Bell, the VP of Planning at Delta, stated that DFW was our "least profitable hub" at Delta, and you know how those guys are always looking for profits. There have been a lot of routes given to DCI from Delta---like 4 RJ's a day from DFW-DEN, two RJ's and a mainline flight now from DFW-PHX (used to be 3 mainline), some flights from DFW to JAX, and LIT, and 7 RJ's a day from DFW to MSY along with one mainline flight (was 3 mainline flights a day). But, Delta is also putting smaller planes on some key routes---like 11 daily mainline narrowbody aircraft--MD88/738-from DFW to ATL, and 4 daily flights from DFW-LAX( 3 738's and an MD90)--down from 4 757's a day. SFO-DFW will get 3 flights--2 737-300's and an MD90. (Used to be 757's and 738's) So, what are they doing? They are right sizing the routes. They are going to use the bigger planes (757's) on the new LCC to fight Southwest/Airtran/Jetblue. The 767-300ER's that used to fly domestically will now cover the parking of the MD11's on Europe. They are moving the planes around, and the only planes they are parking are the MD-11's (not all--3 will be kept for ATL--NRT), and the 727's---which numbered few anyways and have a lot of over age 60 FE's anyways. There is one good thing about the RJ growth at DFW---a lot of new routes are popping up. DFW to Daytona, Panama City,FL, Lexington, and Knoxville are all new flights---that bring Delta money. Other routes, like DFW to ORD or MCI haven't been flown by mainline in years, and it is good to see them help bring Delta money. So, that is why Delta is downsizing a little in DFW, and DCI is growing. It is good for all of us.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool:

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