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DCA Bites!

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2003
Who the hell came up with the approaches into DCA? These freaky LDA With/without glideslope, then a crank and bank onto final--assuming you don't bite off onto landing on the wrong runway.

On departing, "don't turn late or you will enter P-56, don't turn early or you will fly over the Pentagon."

All this in less then 4 hours sleep on the DCA nap....

Thoughts anyone?
Palerider957 said:
Who the hell came up with the approaches into DCA? These freaky LDA With/without glideslope, then a crank and bank onto final--assuming you don't bite off onto landing on the wrong runway.

On departing, "don't turn late or you will enter P-56, don't turn early or you will fly over the Pentagon."

All this in less then 4 hours sleep on the DCA nap....

Thoughts anyone?

Politics :rolleyes:

There's some challenge with shooting the LDA 19, but it's not all that difficult. Before we were considered a threat :mad: , I'd be disappointed if all I got to shoot was the ILS 01.

For a real challenge, circle to runway 22 :D
I agree with Fokker. I actually like DCA. It's always something new and you never know what to expect when your there. Keeps you on your toes.

If your complaining, land in Dullas. It caters more to whiners then DCA.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Sniff Sniff

Only place in the mainland you actually have to use stick. 22 is great when you were on the river, but I found a break off on short final to 1, base over the river landing 33 is just as sweet. RWY 33 is longer than 22, but still fun. I remember landing the saab on 22 it was a challenge, I saw midway land 22 from the north in CRJ, they did a very nice job I wonder how hot their BT was.
I'm glad we go there a lot. You must have did the orange cty, DFW, DCA trip an ASA guy was telling me about.
Question, does anybody actually reduce the power for max climb thrust on a hot day to maintain 500 fpm climb until 10DME, like the noise abatement procedure for RWY 1 says? I have only seen one guy do it I always ask the captains if it is ok if I do that, but I can tell they don't want to do it so I don't. Anybody or everybody do that?

As clearance once told me "Stay out of P-56"!
The reduction in power doesn't apply to regionals due to our GTOW.


I've circled to 22 in the ERJ and the Beech, both are fun in different ways.

328 Dude is correct: DCA keeps you sharp. The LDA 19 and VOR 15, circle to 19, when flown to vis minimuns, especially at nite, is very tricky...esp. if you haven't done it a couple of times during the day.

I'll really hate to leave it someday...it's home.
Ahhh DCA...

I used to fly in there years ago as a student pilot, great learning experience. (Heck yeah my instructor was with me) About that time, (1989) I also got to visit the tower cab twice. Very impressive. Nobody handles minimum seperation like those folks. They'll have two controllers working local, one talking and the other one handling the strips and helping "spot". (One will be using the binocs while the other eyballs the ASR and vice versa) Kind of a "crew" situation for ATC. I did get to see Sam Skinner (DOT Secretary) get busted when the Lear 35 he was flying turned right instead of left on a north departure. Immediately a phone rang continuously untill answered, with someone wanting to know all the details of who, what when where and why. I remember the local controller laughing that he wanted his time off as he unplugged and briefed the next controller. (I understand they get a few days at home for every pilot deviation or deal in ATC parlance) A much more innocent time.

Once you've been there a few times it gets a little easier and enjoyable. Being very familiar with the local landmarks helps increase your comfort zone, and lastly; brief, brief, brief!

Before they banned us unwashed, unregulated part 135 folks, I would actually fly the DP climb rate in the Lear as specified. I didn't like it a whole lot, and the controllers usually would ask us to increase our rate, sometimes in a not very nice way. Just trying to follow the rules man!
I can't believe you guys (ASA) have a continuous duty overnight to DCA! Man, that sucks.

DCA is fun to fly into. I love it when the ram dump you over top IAD at 8,000 and expect you to get established for that river visual. Crank and bank.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool:
Palerider957 do you not like to fly or something? DCA is the best. I love racing the helos up the Anacosta after departing 4. Also trying to see how close you can get tp the pentagon roof landing on 15. The LDA is fun but I like goin down the Anacosta and buzzing the golf course and marina as you land on 22. Landing on 19 I wonder if any of thoes soccer players at the approach end has tried to hit us with a soccer ball.

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