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CSA Inc, Shuttle America, Colgan Air

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Got Flight Job?
Jan 1, 2002
Well, when it looks like things can't get any worse they do. The above companies are now taking application fees. Did management somewhere get confused and think professional pilots are prostitutes? Sure the first three letters are similar, but then I forget these guys only know one syllable words.
Well at least Shuttle America lowered there mins. The last time I was on there website they were looking for 3000 total and 1000 multi. Maybe when I get some more money I can apply.
Did management somewhere get confused and think professional pilots are prostitutes?

No, I don't think management at these airlines think pilots are prostitutes. They probably got sick of forking over high training costs and then watching us professionals leave very soon there after. This gets expensive and this is one way they can recover some of the cost.

I don't like the charge either, but if you do a little research you'll find that a few years back the majors were charging application fees in the 100 dollar range.. 20-30 bucks isn't so bad compared to that, is it??
application fee

Any of you thinking about paying the 38 dollar app fee dont do it!
I just spoke with the chief pilot at CSA and they are not hiring and the job posting on findapilot.com is bogus and they dont require a 38 dollar fee. Im not sure about the other 2 companies but you better verify first. There's just too many scams going on out there guys. Just be careful!

Re: application fee

skyking said:
Any of you thinking about paying the 38 dollar app fee dont do it!
I just spoke with the chief pilot at CSA and they are not hiring and the job posting on findapilot.com is bogus and they dont require a 38 dollar fee. Im not sure about the other 2 companies but you better verify first. There's just too many scams going on out there guys. Just be careful!


I'm not saying any particular airline is scamming to collect application fees at this time. 8 years ago it was commonplace for some airlines that were not hiring to collect a fee of some kind even though they had no intention of hiring or considering your application. UAL and Mesa were ones that come to mind.
I paid the $38.00 and 2 weeks later got a call from Colgan. I dont have a job yet, but I guess it was worth it. Time will tell. I hope so.

It probably cost a bunch of money to go through all the resumes etc that they get sent. If 38.00 will stop people from sending it in So be it.
Since supply is greater than demand in this industry right now, the ahole beancounters in management for the most part can do whatever they want, knowing that there will always be a pilot desperate enough to do whatever it takes to get a flying job. I haven't ran a search on pft recently and I don't know what has already been predicted, but I will not be suprised if the some of the regionals (ASA particulary) goes back to Pay For Training.

(the reason I mention ASA is that I was very interested in thm back in the early 90's, but took a different job because they required applicants to pay for their own trainin)
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"Did management somewhere get confused and think professional pilots are prostitutes?"

As chperplt said, this application fee thing is nothing new... I for one had to pay for the privilege of chucking my resume at American Eagle back in '99... And anyone who's familiar with the now-defunct AEPS knows quite well about paying to put your name in the pile. An old friend of mine had about $300 spent on application fees to the majors back in the late 90's, and for the record, didn't end up with even an interview with any of them for all his outlay.

In the case of Shuttle America, the fee is actually $30, not $38, and none of it actually goes to the company. It is paying for a service that screens the resumes before they get sent to the HR department for consideration... And it gives you the opportunity to complete the application online. I haven't actually SEEN this for myself, but this is what I understand from asking the CP. As you can imagine, we receive hundreds of resumes per month and it just became too much to deal with in HR. Very simply it reduces the mountain of paperwork and the service they are using only allows through applicants' resumes/apps that meet the minimums or are otherwise qualified, and THEN they can decide who to interview.

Good news is that if you don't meet the minimum qualifications, you won't be charged even if you attempt to apply.

In any case, I guess you just have to ask yourself if the $30 is worth the gamble. If not? Then don't apply. It's that simple.

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