Any info regarding corpoate pilot opportunities in SE Florida?
Been foreign contract flying the Big ones, would like to try the corporate world and return to US flying. I have exhausted the resume and airport inquiries, any links?
That's ridiculous! I hate cheap operators that under pay their pilots, but in this case I have really lost respect for that idiot pilot. This cheap bum needs to go instruct some more, "I'm doing it for the hours", BULL$hit!
I agree this is a despicable practice for some questionable operators to engage in. They prey on the low-timers who are in awe of the jets, and don't have any idea what they're doing to the rest of us. I won't even mention the horrid safety implications coming from having an SIC with no training and no pay in the right seat!
An acquaintance of mine who is furloughed from USAirways was offered a job flying PIC on a Hawker in South Carolina. He asked two questions:
1. What's the pay? Answer: $40,000.
2. What about an SIC? Answer: We use local CFIs who volunteer.
My friend told them to go pound sand.
My answer to some low-time friends who say, "I'd do it!" ... if these guys will spend so little on crewing the airplane, what do you think they're doing about maintenance? If you can't turn the job down on principle, turn it down to save your own @$$.
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