Posted on climbto350
April 24 - September 30
Commercial Instrument SEL
Pecos, Texas
Cloud seeding
PIC time in Comanche 250 desireable
Contract labor temporary position
Submit salary requirements ($/month)
NOTE: Housing/per diem not provided, so you should include these costs in your salary requirements when you apply (figure out the hotel, car, food, laundry, etc.)
E-mail your resume AND cover letter including your salary requirements and ALL aircraft time in make and model to:
No telephone calls.
This looks like a good time builder for someone, and you get paid while doing it. This is five months duration and in the local area, so it would be a good idea to research your hotel/per diem costs carefully.
April 24 - September 30
Commercial Instrument SEL
Pecos, Texas
Cloud seeding
PIC time in Comanche 250 desireable
Contract labor temporary position
Submit salary requirements ($/month)
NOTE: Housing/per diem not provided, so you should include these costs in your salary requirements when you apply (figure out the hotel, car, food, laundry, etc.)
E-mail your resume AND cover letter including your salary requirements and ALL aircraft time in make and model to:
No telephone calls.
This looks like a good time builder for someone, and you get paid while doing it. This is five months duration and in the local area, so it would be a good idea to research your hotel/per diem costs carefully.