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commuting/jumpseat Q's

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Seeing the light
Nov 27, 2001
not sure I understand it completely

let's say I wanted to get to CVG from SLC, and I fly for Commutair. I can go on CAL thru MSP or IAH, but...

there is a DAL flight that goes goes direct 4 times a day from SLC. I understand that the jumpseat(s) go to DAL guys first, everyone else second? is there a pecking order? also, if the jumpseat is full, can I pay an amount to fly in an open seat if there is one on the DAL flight?

wondering, thanks

The jumpseat would go to Delta mainline pilots first. Next would be the delta connection carriers. I'm not sure how many jumpseaters DAL allows now. But you should be alright since the mainline and connection pilots can write a pass...you stand a good shot of getting on as a jumpseater. You won't be able to pay for a pass though.

Good luck.
jumpseating on Delta is TOUGH. They only take as many jumpseaters as there are actual j/s's in the aircraft. mostly 1 but i think 757/767/777 have 2 j/s.

jumpseat pecking order is :
1) Delta mainline
2) Delta connection
3) offline pilots with recip agreement

as part of group #3 the guys above you would have to write or buy a non-rev pass for themselves in order for you to get the jumpseat.

since you don't work for them and they can't verify your employment you have to sit in the back, soooo you also need to pick a flight that's not overbooked.

good luck.
Commuting on Delta

I live in Atlanta so going ANYWHERE I basically have to use Delta (or occasionally Airtran). Although I have never understood why Delta will only take 1 or 2 jumpseaters (why not do like AirTran and charge everybody after the first guy $25? I'd GLADLY pay $25 to get me out of a jam sometime...), I will have to say that their guys are REALLY good about trying to get you on board within their rules. I have NEVER had a Delta guy refuse to write a pass in order to let me have the jumpseat. Most of the time you don't even have to ask them....they will offer on their own. Sometimes they don't offer and either I will ask them or the gate agent will mention something to them. Either way, they will ALWAYS do it if they can. That used to be more of a help when we could ride in the actual jumpseat. Now the problem you are likely to run into more than there being a Delta jumpseater ahead of you, is the fact that the airplane is probably full.
I jumpseated on Delta last month in and out of ATL and I gotta say, both ways, they were the best ride one could ask for. Once again, thanks a lot guys!
I commute from LAX to RDU everyweek (thru ATL) on Delta. I've been doing this since Feb and have yet to have a problem getting on. I fly for Skywest so I could write a pass if I needed to but so far that hasn't come up. As previous posts say, I always carry passes with me and would gladly write one if it would help get someone else on but again that hasn't come up in 3 1/2 months.
I know not allowing more than one jump (unless the plane has more than one jumpseat in the cockpit---767-300ER, 767-400, MD-11, and 777) is a pain, but we are trying to change that. We are currently in negotiations for POSSIBLE pay cuts, and I am sure Dalpa will atleast get unlimited jumpseats (which costs the company nothing) in return. If there are any seats left over after all of the non-revs get on---those seats should go to jumpseating pilots. We didn't have any jumpseat before the '96 contract, and we are happy to have atleast one now. I am pretty sure that if there is an open seat in the back and there is a Delta jumpseater signed up, it is standard protocol for him/her to yeild the jumpseat to someone else who needs it. It is still up to the Captain, but most will greet you with a smile.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool:

PS---Hub to Hub jumpseating is not easy due to all of the upgrades and base downgrades etc--which has added to a lot of commuters. You may want to bypass the flights between the two hubs----maybe fly from SLC--OMA----CVG instead of SLC--CVG etc.
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Chq has had unlimited JS's for the last few months now..(Except the American planes...AA's deal, not CHQ-working on it)..just thought I'd mention it incase some still didn't know...And yes, MESA is welcome anytime...

All SkyWest flights are also open jumpseating systemwide, both on the United and Delta side.

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