Delta... Dca is doable but I only want feedback for iAd-ATL. Or just tell me what it's like commuting to ATL. How does ATL handle a rainy day with 1000 ovc?
I am being serious... I've been able to avoid ATL all these years and have little experience operating out of it.
I've done the IAD-JFK commute for several years. Overall it's pretty crappy: Jetlue is down to only 2 flights a day with E190s. Everything else is United Express and Delta Connection CRJs that go out full to the gills. You'll have way better luck out of DCA, what with the USAir and Delta shuttles to LGA, along with a good amount of dca-JFK stuff (i believe Delta was even running a 319 at one point.)
Good luck, I may see you on that commute with the next bid run.
The commute from IAD to ATL may be better because you can grab a mainline jumpseat 5 or 6 days prior on the computer. That would lower your stress of a commute considerably.
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