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CommutAir Question

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Jun 28, 2002
Does anyone know what chapters of the ATP and Instrument book should I study for the CommutAir written test?. I have the GLEIM'S BOOKS Thank you.
You might not want to hear this, but there are questions from most of the chapters. Here's what is not tested: FAR part 121, FAR part 135, operating/performance data. Everything else is fair game. I had studied for the ATP written a few months ago, and I did fine.

When's your interview?

Well, since I used to work there, here goes from what I can remember. It's about a 30? test.

Convert CST to Zulu
Read a TAF
VV001= Vertical vis indef ceiling 100'
a couple of localizer questions, ie where are you on the appr.
SDF vs LDA and their respective widths
Multi flying=blue line and red line defs
some questions on alt. and 1-2-3

I just got my ATP and I don't really remember any questions coming straight from the written. More like the instrument written than the ATP.

The TAF you read during your interview is one from a Nor'easter that came through PLB.

Working there is fun, but a lot of work and you will only make 800 a month after taxes. It's not commutable as you can never get out of EWR or CLE to your base, usually oversold by 30. So you live in SYR or ALB. After ground school in PLB you'll be so sick of the town you can't wait to leave PLB.

Email me I can put you in touch with some of those guys.
Good luck.
The above post is not accurate. For interview gouge goto aviationinterviews.com. Info was just updated in the last few days. As for life at CommutAir: the guarantee is 76 hours for a 28 day bid period. That's 13 bids per year. Starting pay is $16 and jumps to $18 an hour after 90 days so the pay is definately better than $800 a month. Schedule isn't to bad with 16 on 12 off. Cockpit jumpseat on Express and CAL so commuting isn't that bad either. Good luck.
starting pay of 16 going up to 18 isnt bad?????? are you nuts???? its people that have this attidtude that cause the small jet industry to pay poverty level wages...you SHOULD be thinking 16 going up to 18/hr sucks....ive gotten a 4 yr degree, spent several years to build time and get all my ratings and i deserve to start out at the very LEAST 45/hr!!
Not bad relatively speaking!

I'll not speak for socalpilot, but my interpretation is that a comparison was being made to other regio....sma.....uhhhh.... non-Major (there we go) airlines. I believe that Commutair new hires start out on the 1900 so 18 an hour for that aircraft is actually not bad COMPARED to the starting wage or other Non-Major airlines. Is it what that pilot is worth? Of course not, but it seems to be about the going rate.

Everybody wants to pay 50 bucks for a round trip ticket, but ask them how much the guys up front are worth if something on the aircraft goes TU.

oh, i agree..im not bashing anyone...i just think its unbelieveable that our profession pays so little for such a complicated and professional job...ask a lawyer if he would take 18/hr...ask a dr or nurse to take 18/hr ...it would never happen and they all go through as much traing as we do...im proud to say my company is in contract talks and we are gonna to whatever it takes to raise the standard for EVERYONE!

I agree that professional pilots deserve more than 16-18 bucks an hour. Unfortunately, people aren't paid what they deserve. They are paid what the free market can support, and of course, what they can negotiate. If we were paid what we're worth, there would be a lot of airlines out of business. A B-1900 only brings in so much revenue, and that has to be split a lot of different ways.
Poverty Wages

i just think its unbelieveable that our profession pays so little for such a complicated and professional job...ask a lawyer if he would take 18/hr...ask a dr or nurse to take 18/hr ...it would never happen and they all go through as much traing as we do..

Not to belittle what pilots do, but don't Dr's and Nurses along with most professionals start out with crap wages and work schedules? I wish pilots were paid more to start out but with everyone trying to save money, I'm afraid that's just the way it is for now. I knew when I got into this that the pay sucked at first, but that is ok because I love to fly, the money is just an added benifit, plus it gets better as you move along.


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