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Comair or COEX

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Jan 27, 2003
Just looking for some info from the pilot group. I have a class date with comair and I am ready to go, but the same day I get my "class info packet" from Comair Continental Express(expressjet) sends me a letter about commiting to recalls in april and I would be part of that group.

The letter was not an official recall letter. I have nine months with COEX. Both companies are solid and I don't know what to do.

I know seniority means everything, but with about 7,000 pilots on the street furloughed who am I to turn down a job offer from a great company.

I'm not trying to stir up anything just looking for some insight to make a decision.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

I think you should go with Comair. Coex is on the upswing but with war looming it's anyone's guess as to how that will affect recalls. Remember, if CAL furloughs, they can still flow-back pilots. If I do my math right, the FTA technically allows over 600 more pilots to flowback if they get furloughed. Comair is slated to hire something like 700 pilots this year with no flowback. How many does Comair have now? About 1400? Coex will be lucky if they get everyone back from furlough this year. If that's the case you would be approx. #1400 out of 2100 by the end of the year at Comair (67% of the pilots senior to you). Instead of (I'm guessing here) #2100 out of 2500 by the end of the year at Coex (84% of the pilots senior to you). With so little movement in the industry right now, you should consider those numbers. Additionally, many people think that Coex is near the end of their growth spurt while Comair is still showing signs of continued growth. Keep in mind too that there is a possibility of a strike at Coex within the next year.

In conclusion, it seems to me that both are good opportunities, but Comair seems the more sound decision. Also, I think you're senior to me and I'd rather get recalled sooner.;)
As Dec Comair was advertising 350 new hires in 2003, so cut that number in half, also they are already up to a total of 1600 pilots now and adding more every week. All n all Bluto has some really good points. I don't know the CoEx scope arrangement, but I do know they have a buttload of airplanes on order that are all definitley going to CoEx. This compared to Delta having a buttload of airplanes on order with no guarantee of where they are going, or what Comair pilots might have to do to ensure they head thier direction. As far as I know CoEx is the only carrier that can provide jet regional service for BIG CO, meaning all future growth is in the hands of your employer, Delta has farmed out the growth to Comair, ASA,ACA, CHQ,Skywest, and Eagle. Nobody knows what's in store for the future but I see Delta with some pretty nice bargining chips come next time Comair goes to the table. Both excellent companies, I don't think your go wrong either way........I would look at the standard where do you want to be based/live type issues, also look at how your contract nego are going. The way things look from the outside they should be able to get a better contract than Comair. AD
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I'm not savvy with CoEx and their airplane orders, so I can't really help you there. But coming from another airline to Comair, I'm really happy I made the move. As far as the hiring outlook goes, they are telling us about 400 this year, which is about 33 people per month. So far, this number is holding true, we have been having almost a class a week and they range anywhere from 8 to 12 people. Comair itself is set to get around 36 airplanes this year, so as long as we receive those planes, the hiring outlook is looking great. The only thing I can see stopping it is a possible war and even with that, the rjs are being used as part of a recovery process and if they can make the money, I can see why we would still take them.

As far as Delta using a lot of carriers for their rj network system, after comair went on strike, they started to repo all of the different companies so that we would not shut down a particular base ever again. However, what that also means is that we are doing flying that we have not done before, like Atlanta, Salt Lake, and Dallas. So, its bad for contract talks, but its not really taking away any flying for Comair. We are still adding cities and expanding as we are taking these new airplanes.

As far as being a new hire, I spent the first four months after IOE on reserve and have been holding CD (Continous Duty) lines ever since, the time to hold a line is about 10-12 months. Commuting out of CVG is easy, unless you live in Florida, and if you hold a CD line, commuting is really easy cause you can take the first flight out and come in on the second to last one, since we have a commuter clause. All in all, Im really happy at Comair and hope that we can help Delta to make money again so that they can start to grow.


Of course, we're all just guessing when it comes to predicting what's going to happen to the airlines in the future. they're all just opinions, based largely on our own personal situations and what we'd like to see happen, so take them for what they're worth....

that said, we've been told Comair is hiring 300-400 this year, and adding 36 airplanes to the fleet.

the only thing i can tell you for certain is that i started class in late november, i'm days away from my first IOE trip, and I've already got 70 pilots below me on the seniority list. my class had 14 pilots, and several classes behind me had 16, although i think they're averaging about 12 now.

back when i was deciding where to go, i read a great post on this site. it said, basically, no matter where you decide to go, at some point during your career your decision will prove to be horribly, horribly wrong. my advice: go with your gut and don't look back.

I have a friend who flies for CoEx. I will try and give him a buzz and see if he knows anything about recalls coming back in spring and post it here for you.
Also, I talked with him about a month ago and I am sure this has nothing to with your case, but he said that late this year to most likely next year CoEx was hoping to open up hiring again. But I am sure that answer was more for my benefit and not for people who are waiting on recall.
Nonetheless, I agree with Captv. go with your gut feeling.
A couple of other points you might want to consider:

1. At COEX, you can bypass your recall until the last guy is brought back, keeping your seniority. This is good - you could go to Comair, see where things are at in a year or so, then make your decision and have lost nothing. Keep as many options open as you can - you never know how a possible DAL/CAL bankruptcy or war can affect you and I'd sure rather be on two seniority lists instead of one.

2. COEX - you'll be off probation and making second year pay three months after you are recalled. Comair - that won't happen for 12 months.
Does Comair make you resign your seniority? I remember they asked if I'd be willing to. If not, the bypass would be an excellent choice. Especially since it would get me recalled faster without sacrificing your own seniority. It's a win-win situation. In fact, I think just about everyone should bypass...
Thanks for the insight guys. I think captainV makes a good point on no matter what I will probably think I made the wrong decision.

Its hard to make the decision with no crystal ball. I'm still undecided but I changed my oil in my truck, got a haircut, and suitcases dusted off just in case.

I've got 48hrs to decide and a lifetime to look back on it.

Please keep the threads coming in.

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