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Comair merger relief fund?

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2004
Did I read that message from the MEC correctly? Seperate from the cont. fund. $20.00/month/pilot.

That is voluntary correct?
Did I read that message from the MEC correctly? Seperate from the cont. fund. $20.00/month/pilot.

That is voluntary correct?

I don't believe so...I'm a little pissed we had no say in the matter.

I want to know what they need 300,000 dollars for and I want each penny spent to be itemized and put on our ALPA website.
This is to cover JC's mis-spending, the union just found a creative way to collect!? make people believe they need the money, then pay his bill off.
How can they force us to pay something without voting on it or signing something?

I remember years ago when the rumor was flying around that Mesa and ASA was going to merge, MAG ALPA told the pilots the same thing we were. According to family who worked there, enough pilots called their reps and said they refuse to pay it and the Union dropped the "Merger Fund".

Is it just me, or does this sound like RJDC part two?

You hit the nail on the head!

The RJDC was such a farce! Just goes to show that law school really does pay off. The only people to see a dime from that entire fiasco were the lawyers!

-Just ask old Joe Merchant how much he has seen in return for all his RJDC contributions!
According to the MEC's letter it would take a year to come up with that money. I think it's pretty safe to say that the merger will either go through, or be shot down before then.

Why do I pay union dues? Why don't they just call it an insurance benefit bill that I receive? Seriously, ALPA is quickly losing credibility.

At least the brothers some paid to join in college had their backs!

Let me guess! We should grieve it?
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