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Comair flight 5637, irate pax, watch the video

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You think he handled it well????

I don't think I'm qualified to answer that having only seen five minutes of video and not having been in that situation with a camera and a jackass staring me in the face.
I don't think I'm qualified to answer that having only seen five minutes of video and not having been in that situation with a camera and a jackass staring me in the face.

How much more time do you need to see the captain getting his ass handed to him for you to finally say that he should have been a "captain" about it and told the guy to sit down and stop filming in the cockpit, and if he has a problem with what's going on, talk to airport operations. But leave the cockpit area. And if he doesn't leave, have security on their way rather than making empty threats about it. Guy was trying to be a hero and "save" all the pax. Attention-seeker. Jeez show some authority.
Gotta love the customer service.
Hey Thug............nice avatar
Freight Rocks!
I don't think the Captain did anything wrong, he was just doing his best in a bad situation, dealing with a complete jacka$$. How did that passenger know that those people where at a health risk, is he a friggin doctor? Was he a pilot, or an A.T.C. guy, did he really have any idea of what was going on? If not I would have told him to shut his blow hole and sit the hell down.
I know it's a wasted emotion, but I was angry last night after seeing the piece that NBC Nightly News did on this. They VERY obviously edited it to look like the captain said he would take everybody off if his own family were on board. That's the only part of that video they showed, which is highly unfair. Man I hate the news...
I would field dress that guy and have my F/O film it. Then send him to the taxidermist and have him stuffed and hang him in my basement.

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