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Comair/ASA crews in SLC

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2003
Both airlines have started service into SLC recently, and it's rather odd but cool to see new company logos on jets parked on the E concourse. I'm just curious to see how the Comair/ASA guys like flying out west so far, and how have they been treated by the ground and flight crews. The SkyWest rampers seemed really excited about the ASA CR7 that was parked there briefly the other night. I've rarely seen such a crowd gather around an airplane. I must admit I thought it was cool too...what impressed me most was the two lav carts hooked up at the same time. I didn't know the 700 had two crappers!!!

I talked to the FO, a really nice guy, and gave him my best 'welcome to SLC' speech. It was his first time into SLC, and he had only two complaints: 1) It was already dark, so he wasn't able to see the really good stuff like snow covered mountains, etc. 2) He had to spell C-A-N-D-L-E-R to every controller along the way. Other than that, he seemed pretty stoked to try something new.

Any other opinions?
I haven't been out to SLC yet, but I can't wait until I get that trip. We've have a lot of growth and all the new destinations are exciting.

As a CR7 dude, I didn't know the 700 went to SLC! I was told it was going to be primarily a 200 gig. Right now the trips are mostly Dallas crews, as an Atlanta guy I'll have to wait for a good trip out west.

I'm glad you like the 700, it's an awesome aircraft. I'm also looking forward to working with Skywest guys, I've heard it's a class operation.

See ya in SLC.:D
How could you not know the 700 was not going to SLC?!?! It has been talked about to death, and I think the V1's and Flica have even mentioned it.......you awake man?

On another note.....I know the 700 looks cool, but when you have a whole bunch of ASA/Comair paint jobs taking up ramp space in SLC you may change your tune. I pushed out of ATL last week on Ramp 3 and there were 6 Comair birds and only 5 ASA rjs. Then I read in addition to losing PIT, BWI, DET, HSV-DCA, to Comair....they will start flying all three ATL-DSM flights as of May 1st. Just hard to stomach when you are stuck at the bottom after 2 1/2 years with no sign of upgrade in sight.

Now your situation is different, as DCI sees fit to spread your flying around. I also realize that ASA just had a huge expansion in DFW, but I don't live in Texas.....so boo hoo for me.

Gee I feel better :D
Feeling a bit cynical today :mad:
How could you not know the 700 was not going to SLC?!?! It has been talked about to death, and I think the V1's and Flica have even mentioned it.......you awake man?

I'm on the 700 and i also was under the impression that the bulk of the DFW expansion was for the 200's.

to Comair....they will start flying all three ATL-DSM flights as of May 1st.

They can gladly have DSM and while we're at it, you can give everything in the southeast to CHQ, Comair and Skywest. All I care about is expansion out West. The Southeast part of the country is worthless flying !
I left out ATL.

Anybody can have the entire operation out of ATL. This place is an absolute dump compared to the operations of Comair and Skywest.
"Just hard to stomach when you are stuck at the bottom after 2 1/2 years with no sign of upgrade in sight." Boo Hoo!!! Gee, I really feel sorry for you....I don't know if you have noticed recently, but the industry is in the crapper! I find it amusing when people think that it is natrual for seat and career progression to move consistantly in their favor to infinity. Like the early '90's, no, WORSE! The music has stopped, and the party is over! Just be glad you have a 121 job with a schedule, and you are not back at the local FBO dealing with the sludge, and sh*theads of the aviation world that will never progress anywhere!
"We never had a party at the Regional level" ....Been there, got the t shirt....So save your rude comments, and enjoy your retirement jet.
and enjoy your retirement jet.

I believe the appropriate term is " furlough jet."

That is exactly what all the furloughed mainline pilots will end up flying for the rest of their careers.

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