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Coex to Skywest

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Thanks for the welcome, I'm really looking forward to coming over there to SkyWest, and appreciate the opportunity that Continental, Continental Express, SkyWest, and ALPA have offered to me.

Christian Mooradian
furloughed 10/01
Bluto, as with all things Express: promise the moon and give them a rock...

Goin' out on a limb here, I'm pretty sure the Union was "vague" enough for the company to "interpret" that 45 crews with NO CAPTAIN positions equals Skywest hire 45 FO's.

Not that I'm complaining about getting a job, or going to Skywest, only the lack of clarity that causes misinterpretation on anyone and everyones part that is life at Continental.

If the Union or the company said up front: "This will create approx. 45 FO postitions." Instead of: "Skywest will hire as many pilots that this flying creates, and they anticipate needing 45 crews..."

Even if no smoke and mirrors were intended, it could have been communicated better. JMHO
Smoke, mirrors, and number games...

That's what I'm afraid of and why I'd really like to have a look at the MOU whenever it gets distributed. To quote a recent union publication, however, "...(2) the company secure first officer jobs for CAL/CALEX furloughed pilots equal to the total number of pilots required to perform this flying," Seems very clear to me. If the MOU is this clear I don't see any way they can play that "Oh we thought it was only 45 positions" game.
Bluto said:
[...] To quote a recent union publication, however, "...(2) the company secure first officer jobs for CAL/CALEX furloughed pilots equal to the total number of pilots required to perform this flying," Seems very clear to me. If the MOU is this clear I don't see any way they can play that "Oh we thought it was only 45 positions" game.


FWIW, I asked my FO friend at SKYW about this and he said that everything he'd (& his captain this month) heard was that it was/is gonna be 1/2 the number, so 45 is accurate, not 90. Hope this helps...
If that's accurate it is completely contrary to what the union has been telling the pilots. I'm not attacking you personally, but I think that is ridiculous. I can understand why the company would have a problem with Coex pilots bidding for Captain positions at Skywest. I can see how that negates the seniority system and I agree that it would be unfair. However, many pilots felt that the union should have gone after those positions. The union justified their position by stating that now there would be twice as many first officer positions. If the company has arbitrarily cut the number of positions in half, I would consider that a serious insult to the furloughed pilots at Coex.
Yea, well if that gets your cookies nice and iced up...

I was pwop about 50 and now I'm 100 something. A lot of the CAL guys that got furloughed also got furloughed from Express and are ahead of the Express furloughs. There is a good chance a lot of the Express people who qualify wont even get the chance to go!

Especially if there are only 36-45 positions. Not "whining" just spreading the "CAL go backwards plan LOVE."

Yeah, there are about 25 CAL guys that have been thrown in the mix. I went from a 16 to 40, so is was 24 to be exact. The good news is that these CAL guys didn't want to flowback to XJT, so there won't be too many who will take a position with SKYW. These guys could be getting Capt. pay and nice looking schedules flying the line at XJT, they won't take 1st year pay and a reserve schedule at SKYW. I don't think your PWOP number will change more than a few numbers when it's all said and done.

As for the pilots headed to SKYW. The MOU specifically states "total number of pilots required to perform this flying", and that's exactly how many of us will go. At this point, we don't know how quickly we'll be trained though. Let's wait and see what the week brings. Phones should be ringing by Friday.
Good point. Why would a furloughed CAL person want to actually go to Skywest and WORK for 1/3rd less than unemployment would pay?

(No offense to Skywest people or pay... :) :( )

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