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CO Airlines ....How can i get myself hired

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Punch - You, my friend, are a complete and total idiot. I hope CAL, nor any other professional aviation company hires you. You are a disgrace.

To honestly answer the question - I recently got hired after waiting about 11 months for an interview. I had one co-worker that I flew with who also flies for CAL on the 756 write me a rec and talk to the chief pilot for me. I had about 5 other letter's of rec from supervisors/commanders that have flown with me professionally as well. There's my 2 cents...best of luck! It's an exciting time and a great place to be.

His delivery may be that of an "idiot" but the elephant in the living room is that with jobs nearly as easy to come by as a nugget of gold in the Russian River, hiring women and minorities ahead of more qualified white men is the real disgrace..

I always thought you Airforce types understood this stuff, you did after all oppose the communists and social engineers of the east for all those years, right?
His delivery may be that of an "idiot" but the elephant in the living room is that with jobs nearly as easy to come by as a nugget of gold in the Russian River, hiring women and minorities ahead of more qualified white men is the real disgrace..

I always thought you Airforce types understood this stuff, you did after all oppose the communists and social engineers of the east for all those years, right?

Yep, us "Air Force types" and other military aviators DO understand this "stuff" - as you call it - and it is indeed a disgrace for the AA BS that does go on...in all walks of life. However, you can still be a professional on here and state your opinion in a way that doesn't make you sound like a complete buffoon...as was the case with punch.

And yes, we did oppose the communists from the east from year's past, because our job as military soldiers and aviators is to defend this country so you and punchy the clown can post whatever you'd like on this forum.
Dear sir -

First of all; thanks for your service. I do appreciate it.

second: oh well. Disregard.

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Any info on what effect raising the retirement age will have on hiring/upgrades? So far I have read "hiring 350 next year will be cut in half" to "no real effect because of medical retirements."
And yes, we did oppose the communists from the east from year's past, because our job as military soldiers and aviators is to defend this country so you and punchy the clown can post whatever you'd like on this forum.

Hey there techo"soldier"... say what you want about my politics but don't be quick to assume anything...

I'm a Gulf War I vet, and unlike those very fortunate guys who sat in cockpits of fancy fighters and bombers pushing buttons (a job I would have loved back then mind you), I was in the trenches with the "Soldiers" and Marines craping in the sand, and eating MRE's for a few months in combat arms..

Let's take the personal attacks out.. I was just appealing to your sense of "Americanism" which is to say.. the communists were the originators of AA, and that we are now doing like them, which is the REAL DISGRACE.
I am a regional pilot trying to get myself hired at CO. I have the Airline App online done. Is there anything else I can do? Had it online for months now with no call. over 5000 hrs, degree and everything. please help!

back on track......you need internal help, its a must. Or try a job fair where CAL is attending.
Hey there techo"soldier"... say what you want about my politics but don't be quick to assume anything...

I'm a Gulf War I vet, and unlike those very fortunate guys who sat in cockpits of fancy fighters and bombers pushing buttons (a job I would have loved back then mind you), I was in the trenches with the "Soldiers" and Marines craping in the sand, and eating MRE's for a few months in combat arms..

Let's take the personal attacks out.. I was just appealing to your sense of "Americanism" which is to say.. the communists were the originators of AA, and that we are now doing like them, which is the REAL DISGRACE.

First of all, I will say thank you for serving out country during GW 1. You have my upmost respect, no matter what you did in that war, whether it be a logistics troop in tent city, a grunt in a trench, or a flyer dropping bombs. My hat is off to you...

However - I totally scoff your little anecdote of the pilots flying their "fancy fighters and bombers pushing buttons." That is complete bulls**t. I was too young to fly in that war, however a lot of my peers and mentors that currently do fly with me did fly in that war. It was far from flying their fancy little fighters. Their stories of jinking from triple A while doing last ditch's againt multiple SAM's is jaw dropping to say the least...especially in the first few days of the war when all their ingress's were at 500 feet in the heart of all the small arms fire. You have it completely wrong dude - their entire purpose in that war was to support you guys in the trench's so you can get boots on the ground. As I said, I completely respect your service to our country, but your analysis of fighter and bomber pilots back then couldn't be further from the truth.

Very respectfully - "techo" soldier, or whatever the hell else you'd like to call me
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However - I totally scoff your little anecdote of the pilots flying their "fancy fighters and bombers pushing buttons." That is complete bulls**t. I was too young to fly in that war, however a lot of my peers and mentors that currently do fly with me did fly in that war. It was far from flying their fancy little fighters. Their stories of jinking from triple A while doing last ditch's againt multiple SAM's is jaw dropping to say the least...especially in the first few days of the war when all their ingress's were at 500 feet in the heart of all the small arms fire. You have it completely wrong dude - their entire purpose in that war was to support you guys in the trench's so you can get boots on the ground. As I said, I completely respect your service to our country, but your analysis of fighter and bomber pilots back then couldn't be further from the truth.

Very respectfully - "techo" soldier, or whatever the hell else you'd like to call me

All true, and I still would have swapped with them (back then) in a NY Minute..

In the end, I guess as a guy with a ground combat military record, and watching the guys (some of whom I know) being killed over in Iraq now that are front line soldiers/Marines, I get a bit miffed when people equate all military jobs.. they're not equal, even if it's not politically correct to state so, Sorry that is a fact.

Sitting in a ship 100 miles off shore lobbing missiles at the push of a button, or sitting in a state of the art jet/bomber where the next best enemy nation is two decades behind us in technology isn't my idea of "hi risk" combat. Sorry.. Enjoy the job at CAL you earned it eitherway.

Anyway peace out..

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