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Climbto350.com is it worth it?

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sega said:
Ok guys, I am looking around to see whats out there as far as work goes. Is climbto350.com worth the $49 a year? To me it kinda seems like a rip off to pay money just to view job ads. On the other hand there doesnt seem to be alot of web pages out there that covers as much as climbto350 in one place.

I know $49 isnt that much money but its just the point of paying.

So whatcha think?

If you think it is a rip-off, then don't use the service. Go out and dig through all of the different places where all of those jobs are posted. That is the problem with this industry; pilots step on $20s to pick up nickels. I'm sure you'd gladly plunk down $50 to apply at a major, but to pay $50 for a years worth of great leads is a rip-off?? Don't pay, just keep going to the sites that have few to no jobs for free and let us all know how that "new" job works out for you.
skydan said:
Never have any luck on climbto350 best luck was with www.planejobs.com and www.skyjobs.net

Plane Jobs.com 10 Day Free Trial What A Joke!!!! Wow, I am not impressed it "says 10 day free trial" all you get to view in the so called "Free Trial" is a directory listing and plug in personal info. A Data Mining Company!!!!

Under the 10 day FREE Trial you cannot access the details of this job.
To view the details of this job you must be an ACTIVE Member.

To activate your resume you must proceed to our secure PayPal payment gateway by clicking this button

I really hate data mining companys like that its bad business lets see how many days it takes them to sell my e-mail address & info!

PlaneJobs.com 1e98423740c6
Tom Wilson (Jobmaster - AT - planejobs - DOT - com)
P.O. Box 272921
Tel. +44.7050699851
Fax. +44.7050699851

Hummm, US drop box UK phone # on a UK based hosting company!!! Careful of online places that don't have a customer service phone # on their web site! &/or a valid physical address.
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Responce from planejobs.com

"Thank you for your feedback. With over 8,000 members we get few complaint on the trial. The purpose of the trial is to give you the opportunity to view the quantity and quality of the jobs posted. Not to give you something someone else has subscribed to. It is meant to protect our members subscription. After the 10 days you have no access to see anything. Reasonable people can make the determination with the info we provide under the 10 days."

Humm!!!! Then whats the point to having a free trial?
Ok, I took the bait I clicked on his buy it now button asked for $1.00 so I paid the $1.00 it accepted my payment & activated my subscription it worked for 10 min then stopped working & would not let me log in! I got this e-mail via pay pal, from him in the form of a money request.

$58.00 USD
Date Cancelled:Jan. 1, 2006
Event Name:
Membership Event Date: Dec. 31, 2005
Balance Due
Note: Thank you for your $1.00 payment. Your account is not active. You need to forward the balance of $58.00 to activate your account. Once payment is received we will activate your account.

My Reply,

I clicked on your payment button, It only requested & charged me $1.00, I am sorry your software is having a problem if your not going to honor what your web sites pay pal web accept button generated please refund my $1.00 that I was charged and I will go elsewhere!


Now, will he honor his web authoring mistake? I suggest every one quickly sign up while he has his payment setting set at $1.00 Bet he will fix it within a few hours. I Will inform on what happens! looks like climbto350.com has their act together and may be worth the $49.00.
Wow!!!!!!!!! Look at his reply, Talk about customer service! Blames me for their web authoring error & accuses me of circumventing their fees & fraud!

My Seller Reputation: (1129) Verified Buyers
Account Status: Verified Account
Type: US Business Account
Creation Date: Apr. 6, 2000
PayPal Member For: 5 years 8 months 26 days As Of 01-01-06


There is nothing wrong with our software. Somehow you have circumvented paying the fee. We have notified both PayPal and our IT Dept. As you know PayPal takes a dim view of fraud.

If you wish to be a member the the fee is $59 or $79 if you have uploaded your resume.


My Reply!

There must have been something wrong on your end, Please don't blame me for your web authoring error's & mistakes or accuse me of circumventing fees & fraud that is totally rude & unprofessional, all I did was click your button to activate & pay what was asked. To let you know I have been a pay pal member in excellent standing for 5 years 8 months 26 days as of 01-01-06. As Stated before either be a professional & honor your mistake or please refund my $1.00 that I was charged for the service that is not being received and I will go elsewhere!

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Nw Pilot - did you eat a bunch of lead paint as a kid or is time to take your medication. I have subscribed to plane jobs and have not received any spam or unsolicited material. It is a decent web site with legitimate job leads. I think that both climb to 350 and plane jobs are worth the numerous job leads that they display. If you are serious about a job search the money is well worth it.
PlaneStupid said:
Nw Pilot - did you eat a bunch of lead paint as a kid or is time to take your medication. I have subscribed to plane jobs and have not received any spam or unsolicited material. It is a decent web site with legitimate job leads. I think that both climb to 350 and plane jobs are worth the numerous job leads that they display. If you are serious about a job search the money is well worth it.

Nope no lead paint & NO! I am not an any medication!

I am only reporting what I see. They offer a free trial that really is not a free trial at all and gather personal info like your mothers maiden name! I then subscribe I am only asked for and charged $1.00 for their service.

ANY reputable company upon finding out about a billing mistake such as this would have immediately issued a refund and apologized for the mistake! Or they would have sucked it up admitted their error and honored the rate that was charged. Instead they send me a bill and accused me circumventing fees & fraud for an error on their web site.

Plainly they lack customer service! I am glad it only cost me $1.00 to figure out how they handle their customer service and treat their customers. Just as I suspected to begin with and it was well worth
$1.00 to find that out.

I will keep posting with further details.

Wow! I requested a refund for the $1.00 Look at what he said!

"Be a reputable company about a billing mistake / web site error, Issue a refund and apologize for the mistake / error? Or admit that there was an error & and honor the rate that was given and provide the service that was paid for?"

This was his responce! Is he that hard up for $1.00

You some how Cheated! We are not going to activate your membership. We are in contact with PayPal to have your account canceled. There was NO Error on our side If we find out you cheated we will put you on our black list that is distributed to all of our employers.

My Responce

I have been a pay pal business member for over 5 years, I seriously doubt they will cancel my account for your web authoring errors. The only one cheated was me out of $1.00 as stated refund the $1.00 and I may think of signing up on a later date. But right now climbto350.com looks more like a reputable company.

Have a good day sir.


Looks like I am definatly going to climbto350.com now!
I have filed a fraud complaint with pay pal! I cannot believe the guy is so desperate for money! He will not even refund $1.00 hahahahaha!!!! Some how I can spot them every time! I guess I have been on the internet to dam long!

Thank you for contacting PayPal. We have begun our investigation of the following transaction:

Transaction Date: Jan 1, 2006
Transaction Amount: -$1.00 USD
Your Transaction ID: 02E32383E6627722B
Seller's Transaction ID: 8GN1529597495845L
Case Number: PP-131-472-174
Seller's Name: PlaneJobs.com
Seller's Email: [email protected]


I wonder how many others that have had a problem with his billing system that have never complained or have and have never made it public? If he gets enough complaints via PayPal, PayPal will close his account!

The thing is if he would have just apologized refunded the $1.00 and said there was some sort of a problem, I would have had respect for them and maybe gave them another shot!
More rude E-mail's from their customer service,


Ok we PayPal and my programmer figured out how you did it. We will now encrypt our activation page so crooks such as yourself can't cheat the system. Don't know what action PayPal will take but they have advised they will contact you.


my reply:

Ok Whatever! The only crook here is you for keeping the money & not issuing a refund like any legitimate company would.


Hahahahahaha!!! More like their programmer found out they had some sort of a technical problem on their end!

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