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Class D part time

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
I'm trying to find where it states the criteria for a Class D to go to E or G when the tower is closed. I thought I remember it being something about whether or not there was weather reporting available, but that doesn't match up with the examples I've looked at in an A/FD. The only thing I can find in the AIM is under 3-2-5: "At those airports where the control tower does not operate 24 hours a day, the operating hours of the tower will be listed on the appropriate charts and in the A/FD. During the hours the tower is not in operation, the Class E surface area rules or a combination of Class E rules to 700' agl and Class G rules to the surface will become applicable. Check the A/FD for specifics". The A/FD does not specify the criteria for it to be E vs. G either. I know it's only important to know if it's E or G, but I had this question presented to me. Anyone know?
In the AFD, under airspace (item 33 in the sample legend) I see Class D (0400-100Z) other times class G. or whatever. It's in the AFD.
timebuilder - thanks, seems like a decent probablilty
nosehair - i understand how to find if it's E or G. I'm trying to figure out why E vs. G.

My boss has pretty much answered the ? for me though. It deals with an airport having an official weather reporter (not just ASOS or AWOS) - that is when it can go to Class E to the surface.
There's part time Class D's with official weather reporters that go to G when the tower closes.

Ok, so maybe it's not an absolute characteristic, but I suppose the way to look at it is that if they don't have the official observer, they won't go to Class E??????
down2mins said:
Ok, so maybe it's not an absolute characteristic, but I suppose the way to look at it is that if they don't have the official observer, they won't go to Class E??????

As a Rule of Thumb? Seems logical. It seems in aviation there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule.

minitour said:
There's part time Class D's with official weather reporters that go to G when the tower closes.

In order for Class D airspace to revert to Class E airspace to the surface when the tower is closed there must be:
- a certified weather observer
- communication to the surface with the ATC facility having jurisdiction over the area (or "rapid relay" but I have no idea what that means).

If you don't have both then it's Class G at the surface.
CFIse said:
In order for Class D airspace to revert to Class E airspace to the surface when the tower is closed there must be:
- a certified weather observer
- communication to the surface with the ATC facility having jurisdiction over the area (or "rapid relay" but I have no idea what that means).

If you don't have both then it's Class G at the surface.

What are you referencing? Not saying you're wrong at all, just an observation that I had where I thought (read: assumed) there were official weather observers at several class D's that I know go to Class G when Tower goes "byebye".

Also, just a thought, this is what is "required" to make it Class E, but maybe it can also be class G? Like...you can't have Class E without it but you can have Class G with it? Maybe?

When the tower goes "bye-bye", does the weather observer go with them? A lot of times the tower is the official weather observer, in order to go class E I think that a weather observer would have to be seperate and stay at the airport. Example, an airport that still has FSS on the field 24/7.

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