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Citation Shares Info???

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Diesel said:
minutes are even more screwed up then.

Who is to say how many minutes it takes me to get to work. Mapquest? Was this then agreed to by the pilots. Remember mapquest takes the easiest route not necessarily the quickest. Is it 120 minutes using a ford focus or a porche?

Mileage is a lot less subjective than minutes.

What if a pilot that is grandfathered moves? Does he lose his clause or do they keep it for him because he was special?

This is how it works. They ask you if you can make the drive in two hours. They give people a lot of wiggle room with that too. I know some guys who can do the drive in two hours unless its rush hour then it takes them much more. What the company is looking for is to just keep some kind of control over where people live. As long as you're not an idiot and try to tell them you can make something unreasonable sound like two hours they have been very cool with people. I even know of the company puting people up in a hotel at their base if it was too late to make the drive home.

As far as the few that are still grandfathered, it should be obvious that if you chose to move, it's now your problem to be at a base. It has nothing to do with being special. I know of several people who gave up being able to live at their old place to move to Florida or Denver. Most of those "special" people as you call them lived in the HPN area to begin with as that was once the only base. Off hand I can only think of 2 or 3 people who still live outside of a base.

So, for us minutes is not screwed up. It seems to work quite well. It is one of the policies that I have never heard anyone complain about. If you're fishing to find something we complain about or feel unfair this is not it.
To answer the threads original question, Citation Shares is a good place to work. The friends I have working there love their job.

The positives are standardized training, new equipment, job security, and upgrade time. Rumor is though that getting a response on one's resume is a little tougher than the other Fracs, because many pilots are sending their resume through.

And don't listen to these guys who seem to think that the fractionals are substandard and corporate is the way to go. Their the same type who believe their sh!t doesn't stink. Last time I looked CS, Flexjet, and NJ having been doing well, other then the NJ pilots being a little disgruntled about what they have been going through for the past few years. I think they are finally going to get what the want because of the new leadership in the union

Fly safe
People like 650 who post things so rediculously immature do so b/c they live their life miserably day in and day out.

If one chooses to fly for a fractional like CS, wonderful. Just finding a job today flying an airplane is challenging enough. There is always some loser out there questioning others career decisions, it's funny b/c they are usually the type that don't know their head from their ash.

For the record, CS is a fine place to work. It's nice equipment, flexible living, decent wages and most importantly....quick trip to the left seat. For what's available these days, it's a darn good option.
I can't believe these frac guys dogging the corporate side.

This from the group that pays their F.O.'s half what decent corporate operations pay, this from the same pilots that point to the corporate side when arguing for higher pay rates, this from the group that has spent the last decade making it more difficult for corporate operators to keep the pay acceptable for the industry, this from an industry that floods the charter market for supplemental lift because it's soo efficient in its operations, this from a pilot group that basically lives at the F.B.O. waiting till the very last minute of available crew duty time while HQ desparately tries to screw them in to another trip, this from the group of pilots I've been listening to for years in pilot lounges telling me how "great" the "new" contract is going to be if/when it ever happens, this from a group of pilots that overwhelms the files of resumes at every reputable Part 91 corporate operation with the statement in the Objective line of the resume that states, "Long-term stable flight crewmember position at XYZ, Inc." This from the same group of pilots I see daily dining on yet another fine boxed crew meal in the pilot's lounge of the F.B.O. while I'm on my way out the door for a decent meal at the restaurant of my choice fully paid for by the company on their credit card...

I could go on. But I have a better idea.

How bout we just all shut the H^LL up and start helping each other out.

Because I'm sure the frac guys/gals have a similar list they could give for my side too...

Oh by the way. For the Frac guys that constantly hog the one and only computer at the FBO for hours on end like it's their home computer (and in reality it is...). Please remember there are other pilots around that would like the use of it for at least 2 minutes to check their e-mail or perhaps post more worthless banter on boards such as this...
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DBCOOPER, time to update the profile?
Good Post H25B, their is good and bad to both sides. I am sure when a decent 91 opening is listed on a popular job site,the fracsters flood that company with resumes and surely they wont admit it.
Hopefully most Chief pilots will not even consider them, just like most did not consider the laid off airline pilots.
Heck I might even have to lower myself and go to a fractional and if I do I would not expect a good 91 ops to consider me, since I jumped across the fractional fence.
Ok flame me Im ready..............................

When I weighed my options and considered going the route I went, I did it for good reasons.

1st: I used to work 135 charter, and I was tired of getting the 3am wakeup call, arrive at the airport in one hour, and arrange everything myself. The fracs offered a schedule, a dispatch office, new equipment, and 6 month recurrent training at a reputable training center.

2nd: I had the choice of going the regional airline route, but the problem with that is that I get a schedule that would be the same airports over and over again, I personally like going to unusual airports every once and awhile. The pay is much less then any of the Fracs, and the way the airline industry is going lately, the idea of job sercurity and benefits is just not there.

3rd: Going corporate is one of the harder gigs to get involved in because it is all about right time, right place, and who you know. The time and experience requirements are higher working for a fortune 500 company.

Bottom line. I'm young and have all the time in the world to make my next decision on where I need to be. The fracs right now for me work and for other young guys, would be a good route to go also. In five years I could see myself going to a Southwest, Jetblu, or possibly a Kodak, or Coca Cola. Only time will tell.

So when guys ask about this company or that company, lets just try and help each other out and not make childish comments just so we can see are posts on the internet. Just my 2 cents

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