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CHQ question

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Rollins Rules!
Jun 11, 2002
I have done searches......but couldn't find info on if CHQ pays at all in training? And do they provide a place to stay?
they pay you while you are in training, I don't remember, but I think its about 125/week. They pay for your hotel too, two people to a room. If you got any other questions, let me know...
Hey, thanks a lot for responding. How hard is it to get MCO? And what about per diem?
Does anyone know how it works in a regional that services multiple carriers. Can a pilot switch between any of the different pilot bases easily? Anyone know what the junior bases are? I would like MCO too - but assume thats senior. Any info on hiring plans for this year would be great too!


I start at CHQ 4/9 and my understanding from Rosa and buddies on the property is that base transfers are handled as they are at any other airline (you bid a standing list of preferences and they're awarded on a monthly basis).

The only difference is which mainline you hold travel benefits. I believe at CHQ you can travel on DAL regardless of your base, and you can travel on USA and AMR if you are in a base that flies their code-shares. CHQ standardized their uniform which eliminated that hassle.

Current CHQ folks will have to speak to the seniority of MCO, but I'm guessing because it's relatively new it's not that senior yet.

Here's hoping for Indy FO spots to go junior come spring time...

At Chq base changes are pretty simple.

1. MCO is a pretty junior FO base. I believe that new hires wouldnt have a problem gaining a spot there.

2. Indy might not be so easy, but for sure after a few months you would be able to bid into it pretty easy.

Congrads on the hire date.

ANy questions, drop me an email.
[email protected]

I just got done with the initial systems in STL and our class of 20 just got our base assignments. Everyone who wanted IND, CMH, PHL, STL and LGA got in. The only bases that I know of that were harder to get into was RID and MCO. To my knowledge the company has several other classes coming in behind us with 20 or so apiece. Hope this helps.
I just got out of initial systems as well. To correct Paul, MCO is EXTREMELY senior. Indy is actually very junior for F/O's. Anyone in our class that wanted Indy got it. I got my 4th choice on my initial standing bid (St. Louis). I think I bid LGA second and didn't even get that. There is deffinatley a long line to get to Orlando.
I'll second the statements that MCO is senior for FOs and Indy is junior for FOs. Guys 6-7 months out of training are just being awarded MCO for May and June. Mostly everyone who wants Indy can get it right out of training.

However, the reverse is true for captains. MCO is going junior because of the pay difference between the 135 and the 145. Indy is extremely senior, because many of the senior pilots moved to Indy when the company moved to IND in 1993.

Rumor on hiring is 25-40 per month for the rest of the year. Rumor also is that the company wants 1000 pilots by the end of the year (now stands at just under 700).

Trainees begin accruing pay on the 40th day after the beginning of training. You should be most of the way through sim by that point and almost ready for the checkride.

Good luck to all and welcome aboard!!:D

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